View Full Version : New here :) little bit scared ...

14-11-10, 13:40
Hi everyone!
I decided to join you all after suffering terribly from anxiety and the doc gave me citralopram (seems alot of other people take that too here). Been a bit of a rough couple of months and my anxiety caused me to drop out of uni, so needless to say, I'm feeling a bit of a failure right now :weep:. Just trying to get things sorted out again so I can get my life back in order :). Looking forward to meeting people who understand for once! :D
Raphaelite xx

paula lynne
14-11-10, 13:42
Hi welcome aboard! Love your avatar x:welcome:

14-11-10, 13:45
Hi raphaelite

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-11-10, 13:55
:welcome: to NMP xx

14-11-10, 14:34
Nice to see you here raphaelite :)

14-11-10, 15:38
Hi Raphaelite,

Welcome to NMP. I also suffer from anxiety and have done for a couple of months now, also feel so low and just want to get back to my old self. Also on Citropram as well, on day 17 now and feel it is slowly started to work. Feeling not so anxious as I was at the beginning, so hoping it is the tablets starting to work. I have met some great people on here who have helped me through the way so far so hope we can do the same for you. How long have you been on the meds? xx

14-11-10, 15:56
Hi Raphaelite, :welcome:to NMP. Im glad you found us.

14-11-10, 16:00
Hi x0xrachx0x!

Ahh day 15 tomorrow, at 10mg :/. I'm back to the doctors tomorrow for my two week check, see if any changes need to be made. Are you experiencing any side effects? I hope things are going okay for you. Are you feeling noticeably better on your meds, or is it more subtle?
And thanks for the welcome message!
Raphaelite xxx :)

14-11-10, 16:02
Thankyou all so much for your messages so far! You all seem so friendly, looking forward to getting to know you all!

14-11-10, 16:05
Hi x0xrachx0x!

Ahh day 15 tomorrow, at 10mg :/. I'm back to the doctors tomorrow for my two week check, see if any changes need to be made. Are you experiencing any side effects? I hope things are going okay for you. Are you feeling any better on your meds?
And thanks for the welcome message!
Raphaelite xxx :)

Hiya, When i first started taking the i did have some side effects, I had a constant headache for about a week, and my appetite completly went, getting better now but not normal how I use to be. Havent been able to sleep very well since being on them either, i wake up really early about 4am and cannot get back to sleep but other then that havent really suffered with any other side effects, im on the 20mg which i think is right for me. Think starting to see some changes now, very slowly but my doc did say it would take about 4 weeks so probably about right. How about you? Do you feel any changes yet and have you had any side effects? xxx :yesyes:

15-11-10, 12:58
:welcome: xxx