View Full Version : health anxiety only bothers me about myself

14-11-10, 15:02
i cant work out this health anxiety thing,i go off into panics over little things which i THINK are there,all twinges and aches are serious to me (even though am loads better than i was) but my middle son who is 9 had a rash when he got up thur morning ,i thought it was a viral rash,(took him doc fri morning and she said same) got anti histamines etc for him but my question to myself is why dont i go off into a mad panic when i seen my son all rashed up ,his arms and body were covered,but there was no panic from me,no anxiety at all,o just wish i could be as calm with myself

14-11-10, 20:22

I am the same as you. I feel I lose days listening to my body yet I get very panicky over my asthmatic son and Wife. I sometimes find it difficult to relax and I over react and end up at the emergency doctors with my son. It is consuming my life. I think of nothing else. Days go by and nothing changes.

I sometimes feel I wont out!! Take Care your not by yourself.
