View Full Version : High BP reading at doctor's surgery

14-11-10, 15:47
Does anyone here experience high blood pressure readings when examined by the doctor but find that at home the readings are relatively normal?

I went to the doctor's last week to sort out an eye complaint but when she took a BP reading it was unusually high 140/125. When I took a reading at home later in the day it had dropped back to 125/85.

Needless to say I always get anxious at the doctors - usually expecting to find that there is omething else seriously wrong with me and I had prior to the visit been to the dentists to book an overdue check-up appointment (another place that makes me extremely anxious). Doctor seemed to think that it was on accountof the anxiety and didn't appear concerned but it's been preying on my mind.

My BP has been average for the last two days but I can't help feeling wound up and out of sorts with the 'black dog' barking again. Please assure me that I'm not going mad!!

14-11-10, 16:02
It’s called ‘white coat syndrome’ Mine is always high at the doc’s, often if they know you get agitated they make allowances. I found out the hard way in that a couple of years ago i had my blood pressure taken at the doc’s a couple of times and they decided it was high and gave me blood pressure tab’s. I took one first night and was fine , took one second night and an hour after fainted.
Went back to docs and was fitted with a 24Hr machine that runs every hour on the hour (Great fun at night) when we looked at the results it started high (first reading while still with the nurse) and then it dropped rapidly to normal(ish) and stayed there.
Conclusion, when I took the tabs my blood pressure lowered below normal – so much so I passed out. I now have a machine of my own and monitor my own pressure and if i visit the docs I take him/her and average reading and we compare.
My doc has made it clear though that the ball is firmly in my court when it comes to being honest about the readings so we can nip any sustained high readings in the bud with meds which I am happy to do.

14-11-10, 17:04
when i was pregant, mine was always like that at the drs, and yeah its called white coat syndrome, most drs are pretty aware of this. Mine too goes down once at home. Not worth worrying about atall. H