View Full Version : Stomach bug???

14-11-10, 17:11
Yesterday my husband had a bit of an iffy bowel he had to rush to toilet about 7 times during day and he said it wasn't watery stuff just loose and urgent and not alot of it bu the was fine by evening.

I woke up this morning and went to loo and no warning had a bowel movement but not alot - formed but soft if you know what I mean:blush: and with alot of clear mucus ( sorry tmi). I have been about 10 times up to 4pm and every time its clear mucus then these soft loose bowel movements but not much and I keep getting mild cramps before the bms.
I do not feel sick.

does this sound like a bit of a bug - my husband didn't even tell me about himself until I was like this today and he said he wondered what he had eaten and if he hadn't been at home he would have struggled in the afternoon with it.

I am now worrying that it will not calm down for bed and I will spend all night on the loo! then what if it doesn't get better how long do I leave it before asking the Dr - I already have a very sore bum:blush: and it will get worse if this doesn't stop you know how it all is. I have a wonderful husband but he gets exasperated with me if I ask too many questions and he said he barely gave it a thought yesterday and he did not know if he had clear mucus as he didn't look just thought it was runny poo! at times.

What does everyone think please?

14-11-10, 18:03
Iv'e just had similar if its any comfort. loose movements:blush: several times a day but otherwise felt fine, lasted two days now have a sore throat so I'm guessing its just a cold bug.

14-11-10, 18:41
Definately a stomach bug Countrygirl especially as you've both had it.

Best idea is not to eat anything today other than very bland food if you are hungy, but of course drink plenty of water so that you don't get dehydrated from all the trips to the loo.

Hope you feel better soon x x x x

14-11-10, 18:58
Thanks both lovely of you both to reply- anyone got a large tub of vaseline!!!!!!!:D:blush:

14-11-10, 22:44
I'm saying nothing:roflmao::D