View Full Version : Feeling really low :-(

14-11-10, 17:42
I am soooo depressed. I try to see the positive things but there's just nothing nomore. I don't have nothing. I can't concentrate without wanting to be sick. I am soooo very lonely. No matter how hard I try I just fail. I'm useless :-( my body is constantly shaking. My head feels full of pressure. Everyday I'm stressed, I'm constantly full of colds I cry constantly.

14-11-10, 17:53
hi, you sound really low.. hang on in - it does get better x:flowers:

14-11-10, 17:55

Sorry to hear your having a rough time, have you been to see your GP to tell them how your feeling. You will get plenty of support on here and you'll never be alone., Sending you hugs, take care.


14-11-10, 17:55
I'm so sorry you are feeling so low, i too am feeling the same, it's horrible when you feel so bad. But it will pass, and you will get better, i take it you are taking meds? If not you need too. You are not useless, we all go thru this, its the dreadful depression and anxiety that makes you feel this way....never feel you are alone, and always come on here to speak to someone, it helps...Really hope you feel better real soon hun ..Lori x

14-11-10, 18:47
I'm on escitalopram 10mg. I have phone assessment tomorrow morning with mental health team. X

14-11-10, 18:55
I'm on escitalopram 10mg. I have phone assessment tomorrow morning with mental health team. X

How long have you been on these? X

14-11-10, 18:57
Since about May sammi x

14-11-10, 19:59
What dose? You should be seeing some effect from them now so maybe see your gp for your dose upped or change meds altogether. You shouldn't be suffering like this the meds should be working xx

14-11-10, 19:59
I'm in tears again x

14-11-10, 20:07
Your going to be fine hun. X

14-11-10, 20:15
I feel soo useless and such a let down. Sorry :-( x

14-11-10, 20:17
You aren't useless or a let down I think you need to get your meds sorted :hugs:

14-11-10, 20:20
The doctor doesn't want to do anything with meds until I see a psychiatrist cos psychiatrist will know more about meds. X

14-11-10, 20:30
Oh ok hun. Xx

14-11-10, 20:34
I just feel really depressed it's horrible. X

14-11-10, 20:41
I feel out of my body now :-( x

14-11-10, 21:06
Try some deep breathing hun and try relax I know its hard. X

14-11-10, 21:43
I'm in a bad panic x

14-11-10, 21:45
Your going to be fine it will pass. Xx

14-11-10, 21:49
I'm soo scared x

14-11-10, 21:51
I know love but your going to be fine x

15-11-10, 02:33
I can't even sleep x

15-11-10, 09:28
Hi Hayley, make sure you tell all this to your Psychiatrist today. You have been like this for a long time now. You have the help so use it well Love. Don't be scared to tell them everything . I wish you well. x

15-11-10, 11:19
~Hi h26 - so sorry to hear you are feeling so low - I agree with Sammi about your meds - go back to your GP and have them reviewed - maybe a different kind of medication will work better for you? I know how horrible it is to be feeling so low all the time - I hop you get better soon. X

15-11-10, 11:23
To top it all just looked at my bank account and my card has been used for fraud if u get me. I can't take much more :-( x