View Full Version : Eastenders-Tuesday night/Heart Fluttering

16-03-06, 14:57
Hi everyone,
I haven't been doing too bad the last couple of weeks, I have been taking my beta blockers every other day and I think it is helping with my ectopic beats, even though I still get them, they are not as bad.
I was just wondering if anyone saw Tuesdays Eastenders and the comment that Honey's dad had made about his wife and her feeling a fluttering in her heart and Honey had the same condition??? I must admit it worried me a bit, because that is how I have described the feeling that I get?


16-03-06, 15:09
helo linda,have you had an ecg?i imagine your dr listened to your heart before he gave you bea-blockers?i think as it is drama[i did see it]that they use a vague description of a heart murmer as they dont want to scare people,BUT they didn't take people with health anxiety into consideration.Fluttering of the heart is actually[normally]WIND!a glass of andrews or can of pop works for me every time!!!I thought i had a blood clot in my neck last night ,as i prepared to breath my last,and of course continued to breath,i realised it was a little muscle in my neck that was knotting up!Hope i've at least made you smile,isn't it great to be able to share these worries.love mary-rosexxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

16-03-06, 15:23
Hi Linda,

I watched that too and it scared me for a minute or two. When they said heart fluttering was the only symptom and then she died etc. But I was quickly able to rationalise it and remind myself I've had all the tests done and that my cardiologist said my fluttering are normal. In fact just thinking about it is making mine flutter right now.
If you have been checked out for your symptoms try and put it out of your mind (I know it can be hard).
I hate seeing anything heart related on tv as I always relate it to my symptoms but I'm getting better at rationalising it now.

Take care,

Lisa x

16-03-06, 16:22



16-03-06, 17:56
hi Linda,
i saw the episode too (i'm an addict to that show!). Dont worry, you would know if the flutters you get were anything serious...i've had them too. They are horrid but if your worried at all then go see your doctor. i'm sure he/she can reassure you. take care xx

"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

16-03-06, 18:21
Remember that TV programmes like Eastenders are dramas and therefore often sensationalise health issues like this and don't focus on the many other possibilities - because they want to attact the most viewes with gripping stories.

This is an example of the power of suggestion:

Avoidance or sensible? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5513)
media (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5609)
illogical fear driving me mad! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6027)
Its happening again ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6094)
Its happening again ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6094)
Feeling lonely (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6820)
Mind fixed on something ughhh (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7024)


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

16-03-06, 19:08
And in she enters THE queen of EPTOPICS along side MARCIA(allas MOLLY)

Lin, i too watched eastenders,and i thought as i get eptopics well bad, gee man well thats me up the shoot... however after chattin with marcia, she advised me that normally people that die from heart problems --- especially at a young age are people that have been born with a heart problem , and thats the situation with her , its also herdirty(wicked speller me) of which of course her daughter had that problem didnt she... now you have had ecg's right and ya doctor said that all was fine yeah... well that means you wasnt born with a heart defect... and its very unlikey for you to just devlope one all of a sudden at your age-
its not really heard of love..

so i do understand how you are feeling, it kinda freaked me out too... but marcia is right, and she gets eptopics beats all day long, at her worst like mine can be... i have had them so so bad that it has been with me from the time i woke up, to the time i went to bed..... pure hell... they are cruel arnt they love... but you are so not alone.

Can you imagine yeah, i have had anxiety /panic/depression for 15 odd years yeah, and never ever had eptopic beats until 4 weeks ago... man i freaked so bad i couldnt handle it, they are so scary... i did get used to them though and the more i have the more they have got less.... ihate them though.

You will be fine linda, seriously love--- you are so not alone with eptopics... mine flutters madley, it almost turns around ... i reakon some days its doing some kind of break dance, i hate it we all do... but even as hard as it is to belive it cant hurt you,, the truth is it cant.

sorry for ya pain im by ya side ...

ash xx

16-03-06, 19:31
:D:D:D Lots of people thinking the same then!!!

I read about wind affecting palpitations too somewhere Mirry but can't remember where, sorry!!

I do drink soda water if I get it badly.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-03-06, 21:46
What a mad bunch we are!!! lol!!!

And then there was tonights episode, what was it they called rheumatoid heart problem, or something????? Any explanations on that one???

Ashley, I know what you're saying about the ectopics. I've had them for nearly FOUR YEARS now and they are horrible, but some days are better than others.....

I lost it the other day, big time, with my hubby and I stormed out of the house. Don't know why, he was winding me up a bit and I just snapped!!! Drove to my shop, had a cigarette (I'm trying to give up and I keep a stash at work!!) calmed down, then rang home to apologise and everything was fine, but I really thought for a minute I just might be cracking up. It is a week tomorrow, when I should be having Reece. If only things had been different.
Love, Linda.x

16-03-06, 22:00
Hi Linda,

I'm not exactly sure what they were referring to tonight but my Dad had rheumatic fever as a child(rare in developed countries these days) and that ilness can cause scarring of the heart valves and lead to heart problems. My Dad has heart problems from this and has had surgery - not related to flutters or anything anyway, purely related to having rheumatic fever so no one need worry about tonight's episode :D.

Lisa x

16-03-06, 23:46
Hi Hun Sorry you are feeling like this but know how hard you find this, but seeing the programme we can both see the great results tonight. You have had children before and done so well and you will again. I am here for you and dont want you to concentrate on that when you have so much to look forward to. You have got over it before and will again, trust me.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

17-03-06, 00:40
hi all,hi mirry,ah the wind!!well as we all tend not to breathe properly,you know shallow or breath hoders etc we tend also to swallow air when we eat!Gulp your food you gulp air,breathing in just after aswallow ,we tke in air which produces wind,which gives us palpitations,which is not our hearts atall but wind poppin in your tum,making it feel like it.s your heart,sooo,eat slowly,chew well,close your mouth!!leave time between each mouthfull,and try and relax,it will help.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-03-06, 00:47
i know how you are feeling linda, and the fact you only have a week to go, well come on now... you will be tense to say the least... hang in there girl... if you have had eptopics for all those years, hay that only means ya strong girl... you are gonna be fine...
Ere ive had eptopics for 5 weeks and i just cant handle years and years of it.....man no please... mary jesus..

im going to bed on that point...

hope you feel better darling linda

love ash x

18-03-06, 22:42
Hi everyone,
I'm ok and trying to cope. I've had a few missed beats over last few days, even tho i'm taking my beta blockers......

Just wish that on Friday I would be holding Reece for the first time....


20-03-06, 00:31
Thinking about you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".