View Full Version : So fed up!

14-11-10, 20:07
Hi guys. I know this is the same old story but i don't know how much more i can take. Having suffered for the past 6 years now i've been so low and fed up - i know people have suffered for a lot more than me though. I just wish so hard that i could be well again.
Just needed to put this down as i can't talk about it as i get so upset.
My current symptoms are so severe to me and stop me doing so much that i used to do. I feel useless!
I have had a problem with my neck and ears for over 3 years which bring on my symptoms of anxiety and depression, also panic attacks. My ears have all the usual noises going on and they cut off and i feel like i am going to faint which terrifies me. If i bend down, stand up, sit down etc my neck feels like it is cutting off the blood supply to my head and i feel like i will collapse and die. I have had tests and two lots of physio and nothing has helped. I have no explanation and no cure. It happens when i am sitting, standing or lying. When i am calm and just watching tv. It starts when i move my head or sometimes a whoosh of dizziness when i move my eyes. No one knows what is going on and i know that anxiety, stress etc doesn't help, but it's the symptoms that bring me the anxiety! I am nowhere near as active as i used to be and avoid simple things every day to avoid the horrible symptoms. It also makes me constantly check my bp - just to be sure that it isn't low!
You know if you are laughing really heartily and you go red in the face and feel pressure, or bend down to pick something up, well it feels like that same pressure - cutting off. I am scared to laugh. I also feel like when it happens i struggle to breathe and no matter how much i breathe in it still feels like the air isn't going in my lungs.
Sorry to go on, just wondered if there were others who were going through this specific problem.

14-11-10, 20:20
Hi, I'm sorry you're feeling so low. I do get 'pressure head' where I feel it's going to explode, it generally stays for a few days. I just stay in the house and drink loads of water x

14-11-10, 20:36
Have you had an mri of your neck by any chance??? I had years of similar symptoms to yours and was almost afraid to leave the house and convinced I had a brain tumour or about to have aneurysm. I would get terrible vertigo out of nowhere and constantly felt as if I was walking on a bouncy castle and unsteady- the pressure head feeling was common and would afect me every time I stood up and I would hear my heart pounding in my head for a few seconds - the list is endless.

My Gp kept telling me it was from a damaged neck but I just would not believe him until I eventually paid about 9 yrs ago for a mri and believe me in those days they cost £900 and the scan came back saying I had a herniated disc and bad arthritis in my neck. Even then I still could not believe the vertigo etc was from this even when a neurosurgeon told me that your neck really affects your balance but then my husband and a friend both got neck problems and guess what they got vertigo and dizziness as well.

If you have not had mri then I would suggest asking your GP for one as they can refer you themselves - plead that its for your benefit and might stop you worrying - I find that if I know what is causing something I can cope better. Otherwise nowadays the scans cost as little as £250 adn you can have them same week again your GP can refer you for one privately if they feel they cannot do on on nhs.

I also saw a ENT surgeon as well who ruled out things like meneires disease.

You have probably already done all this:) but just in case its worth a try and I know exactly how you feel as I was so scared and still get panicky about the vertigo/dizziness etc

14-11-10, 20:40
Im so sorry your going through this but please be reasurred that this must be anxiety because i have it too. I never been able to describe it very well but i get it the same as you, sometimes i can be sat there and i get the pressure so bad my eyes start to water. I get it really bad if i bend down to get something say from under the sofa or if im trying to reach something that is above me, at times i too think i may pass out.

I have never read any other post that that has reasurred me this much becasue now i am 100% sure it must be anxiety. I always thought they it may because of tense neck muscles. Do you clench your jaw a lot? im sure mine gets worse if ive been clenching my teeth a lot.

Pm me anytime

mary xx

14-11-10, 20:45
mary you are so right in your post - I should have added this to my post about neck problems as I was told that even just tense neck muscles from anxiety can have same effect as what is wrong with me.

14-11-10, 20:54
countrygirl, think we posted at the same time! It just goes to show what back and neck problems can do to you and then add a lot of health anxiety into the mix and it is just a nightmare. I have had problems with my knee and needed physio, turns out the problem is with my ankle and back lol!
Mary x

15-11-10, 20:14
Thankyou so much for your wonderful replies. I have had a neck xray and also an MRI on my neck and my head, they said all was fine, except that i have a perfectly straight neck, no natural curve, which is called Military Neck. This however does not help me feeling the symptoms. I know that i grind my teeth at night and i know that my neck and shoulders hurt all the time. If i could sort this out i know that my anxiety/panic etc would be so much better as this is what starts it off.
I just want it gone!
I am also getting a lot of 'head zaps', i used to have them now and then, but i don't take any med's at all, not even pain killers as i am too scared to take any med's. I know this is a common symptom of SSRI's but i'm not on them, lol. Now i am getting head zaps every day and lots of them at a time. They are very scary too.
I know i'm not alone, but it is so very scary.
Perhaps i am very anxious at the moment anyway as i am getting lots of ectopics each day, constant one's too. These had calmed down a bit of late. Even after 15 years of these things and knowing that nothing is wrong with my heart, they still spook me too.
I wish someone would come up with a good cure for this dizziness for us all!
Thanks again for your kind words. xx

15-11-10, 23:54
May I suggest you try and search out a Cranial Osteopath (spelling).
Prob need to go private but would be an idea to get them check you over?

16-11-10, 00:49
i too get neck and ear problems! huge ear issues but doctors say all is well. i sometimes think all this anxiety is directly related to the pressure in my ears, Have an appointment for cranial massage ( have heard lots of good things about it) Hopefully it helps!

16-11-10, 12:48
To be perfectly honest, I saw a Cranial Osteopath some years ago for would you believe a Coxics (spelling) problem.

After about 4 or 5 visits it done the trick!

17-11-10, 15:35
Thanks for the replies. It would be wonderful to be able to be ME again and for this to go away. I cannot afford it at the moment but have been thinking of going to an osteopath, but would be scared that to start with the dizziness may be worse, it's bad enough at present lol.

Does anyone else get woken up in the night with this 'pressure' thing in the head and feel like they can't breath until it goes off? I get it a lot.
Earlier i was just sitting watching the dog and when i moved my head the whole room started spinning round and round and i felt really scared and i just sat still hoping and praying that it would go off really quick. I have been having this pressure sensation also.

It is so horrible.

Can people tell me their stories of osteopath's please?