View Full Version : Throat tightness/trouble swallowing getting worse

14-11-10, 21:10
Sorry I think this is the third time I've posted about this stuff - in the last week or two I've had intermittent trouble swallowing (mainly with liquids, solids are easier but I can feel the last morsel or two getting stuck in my throat) and a constricted feeling in my throat, as well as just underneath the breastbone. Went to my GP on Friday, and they suggested upping my omeprazole dose (I take it for acid reflux) to two a day, which I was planning to start this coming week when I get more of it from the pharmacist. If there was still no improvement in a week or two my GP said I should come back.

But this evening the tightness in my throat feels like it's getting even worse and I'm getting increasingly distressed. I had a roast dinner earlier (foolish I know) and it was uncomfortable trying to eat the lamb, and I was out in the freezing cold for a while today, plus all this isn't helping my usual anxiety issues - no idea if any of that might have contributed to all this this evening. I'm dreading trying to sleep tonight and having to get up early for work tomorrow and don't want to bug my GP so quickly about it. Not sure what to do, I know I'm panicking for nothing probably!

15-11-10, 10:42
Hm I don't know much about throat tightness/trouble swallowing cuz it's not really one of my anxiety symptoms but didn't like to see you have no replies! Have you tried scrolling down and looking the the related threads? Or there's a section in the Symptoms forum all about this problem. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=84 :) Hope this helps a little bit. xx

15-11-10, 19:02
Thanks for the tips :)

15-11-10, 20:02
do you suffer from TMJ that can case tightness in your throat too and give you trouble with swallowing.

Throat Problems:Temporomandibular joint disorder
- swallowing difficulties
- tightness of throat
- sore throat without infection
- voice fluctuations
- frequent coughing or constant clearing of throat
- feeling of foreign object in throat
- tongue pain
- salivation (intense)
- pain of the hard palate in the mouth