View Full Version : I'm very anxious already

16-03-06, 15:11
Hi everyone,
I'm so anxious, didn't sleep very well last night.
Richard my hubby is off to this annual presentation dinner of his tomorrow and he leaves at 2 in the afternoon, he won't be back until the small hours, he has to go about 50 miles and I'm dreading it. I've got so worked up over it all, I've told him how anxious I am and he said he knows but he's still going : (
I have severe agoraphobia and cannot get out at all .
My son goes to stay at his girlfriend's house on Fridays.
I'm terrified of being alone when Richard goes anywhere that's outside of my ' safe radius' as it does produce much anxiety/ panic
I've felt really panicky and anxious this week, one morning I began having a panic and Richard stayed with me for a while before going to work but I knew that it was the mere thought of him leaving that was firing the panic so told hm to go to work and I clutched my laptop for comfort. He said if he had time he would pop home at lunchtime that day but I preferred that he didn't , I would have to go throught the same thing again. I don't know why I'm worse this year, I wasn't too bad this tme last year, but it feels like impending doom at present : (
Any advice most welcome.
Pegi : )

16-03-06, 16:28
hi peg,

oooo ive been just like you many many times, you are not alone with this problem. You dont say how long you have been suffering with it?
But basically 4 years ago i went ill with panic and anxiety and i didnt leave the house at all, now i am managing somethings and realise i am causing all my horrible symptoms myself by the way i breath.

When you feel anxious you have got to slow your breathing right down because hyperventilation makes the panic come on bad.
I know its easy to say all this and doing it is much harder but it really can be done with practise.
I still have horrible blips but I remind myself thats all it is.........
do you take any medication ?


16-03-06, 18:34
Hi Pegi

It would help to prepare some plans for distraction and activities to keep you occupied tomorrow. Perhaps aim to space things out throughout the time you are alone and get through it bit by bit.

We are here and you could also use the chat room for some company. Also maybe ring a friend or family member, or chat online on MSN if you have this.

There are some further suggestions here:

i need to overcome this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3956)
help needed am i mental (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5770)
Developed a fear of being on my own (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4823)


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

18-03-06, 22:14
Hello Pegi

THis is anticipatory anxiety building up

Keep things in mind to do, people to phone and activities rather than passively watching tv

Hope it went ok


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress