View Full Version : So worried

14-11-10, 21:26
Ohhhh I am so worried :weep:...find out tomorrow at hospital about what has been going on...and I just know its going to be cervical cancer. I have all the symptoms and I am still bleeding, and I shouldnt be..days and days on - it wont stop and its getting worse - I feel exhasuted...sorry too much information...
I can't stop crying since last Thursday. Being brave is not me.
Just nearly finished a bottle of red wine, to try and blot it all out.
You know sometimes,. when you come through so much,(like a lot of others on here) that you think that by the law of averages that you wont go through anymore, then you go through more. I am just so scared, I can'tbe brave. I wont be one of those with cancer who smile bravely through it all.
My partner is getting annoyed with me saying 'Oh it wont be cancer' How the h*ll does he know!!! It happens to anyone. I am not immune to it.
Honestly I am so scared that I dont know what to do.:weep:

Hazel B
14-11-10, 21:29
Poppy, I am sure it won't be anything so serious. I know that's so easy for me to say but I understand how you feel. It's not long now before you know, try to keep distracted if you can.

As for awful things happening, bad things happen to good people, we have no control of it, but we can control how we cope and react.

I'm sure it won't be cancer, will be thinking of you tomorrow.


14-11-10, 21:32
Poppy poppy poppy

C'mon hun don't think that.
There are sooooo many non serious things that this can be.
Have a hug on me and i'm sure you are gonna be just fine


14-11-10, 21:32
So sorry your feeling like this poppy you must be so scared. I'm sure you will be fine and it won't be too serious. Will be thinking of you

14-11-10, 22:43
when did you have your last smear test hun? i had one recently and had convinced myself it was gonna come back abnormal and it was totally fine. try not to fear the worst because thoughts are NOT facts and try not to upset yourself when it might be nothing. Lots of quite minor things can cause PV bleeding, such as endometriosis which is quite treatable and not life threatening, also some type of contraception can cause bleeding between periods, i used to take cerazette and sometimes bled to 3 weeks of the month quite heavily on and off. obviously, that's not normal so i can off it but it wasn't anything harmful or serious.
sit and breathe, try and take your mind of it by doing something else. relax your shoulders, breathe in and out and drink some water. lots of love. xxx

14-11-10, 23:48
any news Poppy?

14-11-10, 23:57
Good luck Poppy, hope all is OK xxx

15-11-10, 01:50
Thinking of you Poppy...

Don't let your fears take hold - it will all turn out fine.

Let us know how you get on and all the very best.

15-11-10, 06:55
thinking of you poppy. I thought i had that once, i had severe irreular bleeding, aching legs, pelvic pain and lots more, plus i was 8 years overdue a smear. Obviously i thought that was that. Was obsessed with dying. This was where all my health anxiety started.............................so i was brave and had to have some tests........worried sick.....literally babe.....until.....I GOT THE ALL CLEAR. Nowt was wrong. So think positive babe youll be fine. Also i have a close friend (an older friend) who had simular probs, very bad bleeding etc pain, she had some tests, and she just had to have a biopsy and something removed, again she was fine. All this happened to me the month after jade goody died, i couldnt bare to watch the news, read the papers, as i was a complete wreck. Hope this helped. chin up youll be fine xxxxx

15-11-10, 12:40
it could be a number of things. and if you are up to date on smears you should be fine. severe anx and stress can make bleeding heavier and irregular.
hope ur ok and let us know how ur results went x

15-11-10, 14:05
I have just seen this as I wasnt on last night .:hugs:.Stay positive hun .You sound like you are having the same problems I had several years ago .It was the perimenopause :lac:..I had numerous tests and ended up having a Mirena coil fitted .Best thing I ever did .Then went on to have a low dose of HRT .1MG Estradiol .It really helped with everything and altho I was pooping it at the time .Have never looked back .Life throws plenty of crap and it isnt fair ,But no one said it was ..You have been thrugh a lot this past couple of years and it all takes its toll on the hormones ,Im sure you will be come through this like you have come through everyhing else .I really doesnt sound like its anything too serious and I hope today gives you reasurrance .Sending you strength and Hugs Sue x

15-11-10, 20:57
Hi everyone
I am so shocked by all the replies :scared15: - Thank You - it means a lot to me. Feel like crying again :weep:
Last night I was bawling for ages - not a good idea to drink a bottle of red wine when already upset :lac: I felt so hungover this morning.
Update is that the tests were not clear enough and I have to go back on Thursday to have full checks again but if not stopped then I have to wait until it is less so. :weep:
I just want it all over with. I am exhausted. Sounds a bit yukky I know but for some reason the bleeding is now much heavier and non stop and I look really pale and my eyes dark. I feel dizzy too.
I am just reading through all the replies and honestly it has made me feel less scared. I really am worried.
Thank you again to you all. Will keep you updated.
Love to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

15-11-10, 21:00
Poppy sorry you are going to have to wait even longer that really sucks. I wish you all the luck in the world I'm sure you will be fine. Keep us posted :bighug1:

Hazel B
16-11-10, 11:32
Stay strong, you're being very brave. Try not to worry and stay busy, thinking of you.


Rach J
16-11-10, 16:04
Hey Poppy, I really feel for you and can completely understand your worry.

I know it's easier said than done, but try to stay busy and distracted and try not to think the worst.

Thinking of you :flowers:

Hazel B
17-11-10, 20:30
Thinking of you tomorrow Poppy. Hope it goes well.

I'm out for most of tomorrow but send strength and hope.:hugs:x