View Full Version : Scared of brain tumour,again.

14-11-10, 21:48
Hi all. Its been a few weeks since I last posted, but I'm at it again. Just when I finally thought I'd got over this nonsense of thinking I have a brain tumour, I'm at it again and this time I've totally convinced myself because my symptoms are so similar. :weep: I have had a constant, yet small nagging headache for the past 3 days despite taking headache tablets for it, but it hurts more when I bend over (which isnt a good sign apprently) and my head feels like it has a lot of pressure when I bend forward too and so do my ears :shrug:I've also had a tender sore spot on the left side of my scalp and sore eyes that feel heavy and feel they are going to burst at any moment, I have reading and computer glasses and I have been wearing them (at least when I'm on the computer) as well as my eyes being blurry at times too. I'm so terrified that this time, it could be something serious and as I have exams at the moment (which I've been slack in studying for because of this), this isnt a good time for all this to be hapening, can anyone help me on this? I'm so scared this time and so freaking out! I have a doctors appointment for Thursday if my nan who's at the doctor today herself can get me in, but I think I'll have a panic attack by then if nobody helps me out, HELP!! This is the most scared I've ever been. :unsure:

14-11-10, 21:59
i can have a headache for week, have done for many years.
A headache that hurts when you bend forward is usually due to your sinuses being block, i get this often and not always when ive got a cold or when i feel bunged up.

14-11-10, 22:04
The signs of a brain tumour are nearly always something serious like a sudden siezure or losing use of a limb etc etc. If a headache that is worse when bending over was a sign of one then everyone on here would have one me included. I find that tension headaches from tense neck muscles always give me a headache that only bothers me when I bend over - its not the bending but the coming back up that produces the pain and I have had these occasionally for past 20 yrs.
From a Dr point of view this is only a serious symptom when accompanied by other more def symptoms of a brain tumour.
Have you had your eyes tested recently as opticians are very good at picking up brain tumours which is one reason to have your eyes tested regularly - they also pick up high blood pressure and diabetes as well- amazing things your eyes.
I would def go to your GP and admit your fears as they can't mind read and if they are not worried by your symptoms then they tend not to realise you are. HOpefully explaining your fear the Dr can thene xplain why he thinks you are wrong.

14-11-10, 22:11
I had my eyes tested about 2 months ago, but a lot can proberly change since then, especially when I'm blurry a lot. I dont have diabetes or hight blood pressure either, all been checked by the optician and a blood test 5 weeks ago. I'm hopefully going to the doctor on Thursday if I can be fit in and I will be telling him everything, he knows about my HA problems and he's been a doctor for 40 years, if anyone will know, its him I'm sure

15-11-10, 00:57
She hasn't had any seizure or paralysis, countrygirl. Personally I think she might have a blocked sinus and glasses which are too strong or too weak :)

You'll be right, krystal :)

15-11-10, 02:14
UltimaD (Alex), you've had your say on the issue in the chat room, let other people talk lol. :) You know me too well, so you're bias on the issue

15-11-10, 03:24
Just trying to help :x

16-11-10, 06:19
Sounds like sinus to me.. all the worrying you have been doing gave me a headache :-) little joke there but really..Its going to be ok.. don't worry. .take care