View Full Version : Please say someone else gets this

16-03-06, 15:40
Having a HORRENDOUS time today. Had loads of eptopics but had another episode like one i had just under 2 weeks ago. It's not a skipped or premature beat it's like my heart is quivering not beating. Rather than the usual drum drum drum its tap tap tap. I'll have a normal beat then 5 or so in quick succession but very faint then one or 2 normal then the same pattern . This can go on for 20 seconds up to 4 or 5 minutes non-stop. Idon't think this is normal is it. I'm going out of my mind and on the verge of getting up to a and e, even though i've got a very sick 3 year old and noone to watch her: that's how seriously I'm taking this.
Please someone tell me they've had this or should I go get it checked outnow

Ma Larkin
16-03-06, 15:57
Hi Shiv, I had that all last weekend. It was even worse when I went to bed, I kept leaping up thinking my heart was going to pack up at any time. My pulse felt really faint as well & my heart kept feeling like it was fluttering in my throat rather than beating in my chest every so often, which took my breath away. I went to the doctors on Monday, but I was fine. Probably because I knew I was going to the doctors & that in itself was reassuring for me. Do you have an NHS helpline in your area? You could try ringing & get some reassurance rather than getting your poorly 3rd yr old out the sick bed.

I can cope with any symptoms Shiv, apart from the heart ones. They really do scare the life out of me, but I have 3 kids on my own with them. I probably would cart myself off to A&E all the time if it wasn't so inconvenient for them. Its awful isn't it, but mine did settle down after a few days.


16-03-06, 16:11
I don't think i would go to casualty but you know how, at the time, you're just about ready to fly out the door and then you seem to be able to control yourself. The eptopics I can live with but this I can't; it just goes on too long and feels TOO wierd and uncomfortable.
Thanks for your words though they have reassured me somewhat. I just wish I could flick a switch in my head that would never make me aware of my heart again.
Shiv x

16-03-06, 20:32
hi ther what your describing ive had thousands of times and for years.your heart beats really quickly for a few seconds feeling fluttery.then goes normal and if you really freak about it it will keep doing it.it is frightening but just another nasty symptom of anxiety.hope this helps a bit. marciaxx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

17-03-06, 09:40
Oh gosh I have most certainly had this too at times.

In the early days when I had palpitations or any heart sensations I got the doctor to listen. I think going to the doctor initially is a good idea as it can give you so much reassurance.

Have you done this at all???

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-03-06, 09:59
Thanks so much to all of you. You don't know how reassuring it is to hear all this. Yes, Ive been to the doctors and have just received an appointment for an excercise ecg. That's a new one one me. I've had the regular ecg and last time I was pregnant, cos they got more frequent, An echo and a 24 hour ecg and all clear so the worrying stopped completely until these new long lasting flutters.

And yesterday I did something REALLY silly. I googled "arrhythmia". Omigod! not good; not good at all. I came across some really sinister stuff and i kept thinking, what if it's not anxiety. What if my heart WAS ok but I've now developed an electrical fault suddenly (which CAN happen!). What if I reall am ill and putting it all down to anxiety is detracting from a real serious problem. Because although I've had them all in the past, I'm only really getting a handful of anxiety symptoms this time and by far the most predominant is irregular heartbeats.

Is this my mind playing horrible games with me again?!

Shiv x

17-03-06, 10:11
Sounds far far more like anxiety to me, have this last test mate for reassurance and then join the rest of us in this same particular boat :D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-03-06, 22:48
Hi Shiv,.
I've had the ectopics/flutterings/irregular beats for nearly four years now and I'm just like you. What if, what if, what if......

I don't know what to say except you're not on you're own. There seems to be so many of us with the same symptoms and I have had the initial tests and everyone else says you can't just suddenly develop a heart condition?????

Hope you're feeling better.
Take care,
love, Linda.x

19-03-06, 00:16

How long post partum are you now

Palpitations (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=palpitations)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress