View Full Version : head worry!

15-11-10, 08:25
Hi, how is everyone this morning? I started with a streaming runny nose last night
I felt fine most of the day? It just came from nowhere!
Well hardly got any sleep prob 2 hrs, and have woke up with a horrible
Pressure like feeling all down the left side of my head :( it feels to be in my
Ear, eye even my jaw! I get colds often but not this feeling, do you think
This is a head cold? I have had them before but it normaly affects all my head
Not just one side. I also had a lot of neck/shoulder pain last night!
Thanks for listening x have a good day

15-11-10, 10:11
Sounds like your sinuses .... and I expect the neck/shoulder pain is tension. I use sterimar spray for my sinuses - it's just a salt water spray, but it helps to clear the nasal tubes and take the pressure of the sinuses. I am sure you will feel better soon. Anxiety is a real pain in the proverbial, isn't it?!!!!! Take care x

15-11-10, 10:17
thanks for the reply jilly :) yes it blooming is a right old pain!! thanks for the tip will have a go, i am a worry head :blush: its just the pressure feeling is horrid. gonna wrap up and go out for some fresh air as its so sunny here today :D might clear the head xx have a good day x