View Full Version : Anxiety & Back of Neck Creaks when turning

15-11-10, 10:39
Hi All,

Since being a Monday morning and at work, my anxiety goes sky high! There seems to be always something I can find about my health to worry about.

I had a bad cold over the past 2 weeks and had a migraine with aura last week at work which has affected my confidence sitting at my desk looking at the computer.

Yesterday and today I have noticed that my neck creaks when I turn my head to the right. I am worried and (of coarse) I keep poking and prodding my neck which has now made it become sore!!

Question is; do many people have this same complaint?

I am trying to think logical at the moment and think it is probably a stiff neck from the bad virus I had or I slept on it funny but I keep panicking.

Also, my vision was affected with the migraine last week and I constantly get anxious that my vision is not right at the moment and then I make myself dizzy and hazy with the thought of it.

I know it is all in my head but I wish these thoughts could disappear.

I have also been using Propanolol since last week (for migraine and worry!) and have noticed a slight increase in my dizziness but my physical panic attacks are definitely kept at bay slightly!

ANy help and advice would be appreciated as I probably would feel better to hear your similar experiences!! We're not alone :)

15-11-10, 10:41
Oh and I keep getting weird tingles in my head like when goosebumpy feelings for 10 seconds!!

15-11-10, 11:25
Hi there

I can sympathises about the migraines; I've suffered from migraine with aura for a looooong time and have taken propranolol for about 10 years. They do seem to help; they don't stop the attacks entirely, but do seem to reduce them. However, this doesn't stop me running around like a headless chicken when I do get an attack! :D I also get a bit obsessive about my vision for a week or so after I've had a migraine attack, as I worry about it coming back, particularly if I've had a bad one. I'll find myself looking at things to check whether they're moving or not, or thinking I can see wiggly lines (which is how the aura usually manifests itself with me).

The propranolol also helps with the crappier physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat and the general shakiness, so stick with them for a while and see if they help. Yo haven't said what dose you're taking, but propranolol will lower your blood pressure, which can sometimes cause a bit of dizziness if you stand up too quickly (I have to remember this one as well!). They can also give you cold hands and feet at higher doses (80mg a day or more), but that's not anything to worry about.

The creaking in your neck is something that is called crepitation, and it's also really common. The most likely reasons for it is bad posture or sleeping in strange positions. I also get it in my shoulderes and back, and have come to the conclusion it's a combination of anxiety and getting older!!

15-11-10, 14:41
Oh and I keep getting weird tingles in my head like when goosebumpy feelings for 10 seconds!!

Hi, yes I can relate to the goosbumpy sensation in the head. I also have the neck creaking and was told its bad PC posture over a prolonged period. I suffer with shoulder and neck tension a lot too, sometimes with a whoozy feeling.
I think the goosebumps are related to the amount of tension
I was diagnosed with shoulder impingement a while ago.