View Full Version : Blood Results From The Doctors - Please Help

16-03-06, 16:27

Last Thursday I went for a blood test at my doctors.
I phoned up the doctors surgery today and the lady said the results are in but a doctor has to see them first!

Please help?
Does this mean my blood test is not good or is this procedure?


16-03-06, 16:34
Don't worry this is procedure honestly. The results come back and the doctor that ordered them then has to look at them. The doctor looks at them and marks then normal or abnormal etc. Once the doctor has looked at them then the receptionists are allowed to give out the results.
This is how is works at my gp practice anyway. The lady you spoke to would not have been qualified to comment on results therefore legally has to wait for a doctor to look first.
It really doesn't mean anything is wrong, usually they would contact you if they found anything wrong that needed treatment anyway.


16-03-06, 16:38
Like Lisa says this is normal procedure - a doctor has to check them first.

........life is for living not just for surviving

16-03-06, 16:51
some doctore places do it just that way

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