View Full Version : Unsupportive family

15-11-10, 12:00
My anxiety seems to be getting worse as my sister is so not understanding. She says I must be thinking worrying thoughts to experience the physical symptoms I do and that I should just pull myself together...I have tried to explain the physical symptoms come first but she won't have it. The other night I had a panic attack and called her. My house phone keeps breaking and I had very little credit so asked her to call me back and she wouldn't as it was my mobile and would cost more. How can I make her understand? She is making me feel very alone.

15-11-10, 12:37
aw hi katie, sorry to hear u r having a hard time! sometimes people who dont suffer from panic issues, just dont understand how scary it can be, im sure if your sister knew how bad it felt she would be there for you!
maybe next time if you are scared with panic and cant get through to anyone u should try coming on here! it helps me a great deal when i feel alone and that nobody wants to hear me.
you are not alone trust me xx take care xxxx :hugs:

Going home
15-11-10, 12:50
Hi Katiebel, often the family are the last people to turn to when you're in the grip of anxiety and panics, as they often don't understand or sympathise, but you do need somebody to talk to. Why not keep popping onto the forum and go into chat to meet people who feel the same? Or do you have a good friend you can share your feelings with? have a talk to your doctor, panic attacks are usually triggered by something however big or small and he may help you to unlock the reason. If you really do think they're coming out of the blue for no apparent reason then it could be a hormone imbalance, this can be common too. Also low blood sugar causes the body to produce more adrenalin and this can be another reason for panics...especially during the night when blood sugar drops naturally.

Anna xx

15-11-10, 12:54
Hmm unsupportive family sounds familiar! Last night my mum tried to tell me I imagine my palpitations/ectopics. Okay, how the hell could I imagine massive bangs in my chest really?! I don't think ANYONE has that active an imagination! Upset me quite a lot at the time but hey ho. -_-

It's extremely hard for people who don't suffer panic/anxiety to understand people who do. Maybe try to get her to read a few threads on here so she can get a better understanding. Try telling your sister how she's making you feel and all you need is a little support now and again. End of the day she's your sister, I answered a call at half 3 in the morning the other night cuz my sister was alone and drunk in town waiting for a taxi! It's what sisters do, she probably thinks she's helping you by not sympathising but as most of us know sometimes that makes it worse.

I know how it feels to feel alone, my mum went on holiday when my anxiety kicked in and left me alone for a week! OMG I was hanging off the ceiling the whole time. (Not literally obv lol :D) Joexgee made an excellent point though, if you're not getting the support from your family coming on here is a good idea. You'll always find someone who understands be it the forum or the chat room! xx