View Full Version : Sleep :/

15-11-10, 15:15
Why Do I Sleep So Much is this normal cuz every1 else with anxiety/dpression seems to be up all the time but i can sleep for like 10-14 hours easy and STILL feel tired when i wake up is something rong with me or is this normal its actouly really starting to worry me now as im tired all the time i useto just put it down to anxiety but you know worrying about everything i dont think it is :/ help? :wall: btw im takeing 20mg of flouxetine daily and multi vitamins about everyother day if not every day if this is any help

paula lynne
15-11-10, 15:17
Hi shaggyowen, it depends. I know sleeping a lot is a classic sign of depression, its the bodys way of "re-booting" itself, dont worry, Im sure things will level out soon.

15-11-10, 15:40
cheers i dont really know anything cuz i dont want to google it cuz dr.google will say im dieing lmfao i google cracked lips last night and it said people with aids have cronic cracked lips i was like AAAHHHHHH i really dont think they need to put stuff like that aha, but yeh i just want to see if any1 else sleeps loads cuz i do i sleep loads never sleep till i wake up myself as every1 is always like come on get up now bla bla bla you know the rest lol and always wake up tired and when im tired i feel really anxiouse and makes me have a really bad day and i feel totaly diconnected from my surroundings =[ its horrible iv always been a long sleeper but i just keep goin gover it in my head :/

15-11-10, 16:15
My anxiety comes and goes (At the moment its gone) but even when it’s there I always sleep well. In fact I always have no matter where, and I have slept in some strange places before. Always need 8 – 9 hours or I feel like S$%t

15-11-10, 16:36
Hi Shaggy,

Some people do need more sleep than others, so that could be part of the reason. I think anxiety and depression can effect sleep both ways, and it’s a result of all the thinking a person has been doing during the day – lots of thinking about things that cannot be resolved.

Before going to sleep, the brain needs to make some kind of sense of it all so it’s knows what to forget and what to commit to long term memory. It knows the subject of that anxious/depressed thinking must be important because the person has been doing such a lot of it, but the thoughts are too muddled to know what to do with them.

Some people seem to get all restless when they try to sleep as the mind is trying to work through those thoughts before allowing them to sleep. Other people find they do sleep but dream excessively. Dreaming is thought to be the mind playing out those thoughts in different ways in an attempt to make sense of them. It’s why sometimes you can go to sleep with a problem and wake next morning with the answer.

Dream sleep isn’t the sort of restful sleep a person needs though, and they can wake next morning still feeling shattered. You also said in another thread how you recently started back at work doing quite a physical job. That’s bound to add to add to it too.

Take care :)