View Full Version : Small sores/ulcers just behind top front teeth

15-11-10, 16:34
Hey guys,

Yep, my mouth is playing up again! Does anyone else ocassionally get a group of little ulcers on the roof of their mouths just behind their front teeth? I have had this once every 6-12 months or so for years. I start off with slightly swollen gums in that area and then it gets sore then I get little ulcers which tend to clear up within a few days. My boyfriend says he gets the same thing in the same place and he always assumed it had something to do with his playing (he's a Trombone player). He also thinks it could be to do with eating hot food/drink burns.

Does anyone else get this? It drives me mad because it akways gets my anxiety going!!! It's really sore at the moment so I'm using bonjela and Corsodyl.

Moonlight Xxx

15-11-10, 16:45
I get the same thing in the same place and it's always down to hot food and drink burns! If it's the same case for you it should sort itself out in 2 or 3 days. Just probably scalded your mouth a bit and not realised. I don't realise I've actually burnt my mouth at the time, but a couple of hours later/the day after it starts to hurt. xx

16-11-10, 20:07
Thanks for your reply Pokerface :) It's still quite sore but it doesnt look too bad...just a little bit red. Im going to keep going with the bonjela and Corsodyl for a few more days. When I had a look I noticed I have a few little ulcers so hopefully those will clear up in a few days.

Does anyone else here get this?

Moonlight Xxx

17-11-10, 14:58
Hi there. I quite often get this on the roof of my mouth. It is probably due to a burn from hot food or even a scratch from something like crisps. I went running off to the dentist earlier in the year about something similar and it was just a burn. so keep on with the bonjela etc. I am obsessed with my teeth and mouth and have been for over a year now (long story) and its no fun so I can sympathise with you. Dont worry, its very common and will go away soon.