View Full Version : Tight sore patches of skin

15-11-10, 17:23
Does anyone get these? I have a patch of skin which seems to be sort of red but it fades, I really noticed it after a shower last night. It doesnt seem to be itchy, just painful and sort of tight, do you think this is from anxiety, possible eczema (i have this elsewhere) or because I use a hair dryer to keep myself warm?

15-11-10, 17:26
Sounds like a patch of very dry/irritated skin to me. You might have left the hair dryer on that spot a bit too long and it's dried it out/irritated the skin. Try putting some Sudocreme on it if you have any, should clear it up fairly quickly! That stuff is amazing xx

15-11-10, 19:43
I do use dettol and sometimes have 3 showers a day, could that also cause the skin to be come irritated?

15-11-10, 22:53
Over showering can definatley take its toll on your skin espeically with something as harsh as dettol. Have you tried the Simple brand? It's really soft on your skin and still gets you clean. If you don't feel comfy with Simple and you keep getting sore skin from dettol, just get some Sudocreme and put it on the area that's tight and hurting just before you go to bed and leave it and it will be 10 times better by the time you wake up, though still might be a lil sore xx

Going home
16-11-10, 00:38
Hi Piers, why do you use a hairdryer to keep warm, you could be burning yourself.

Anna x

16-11-10, 06:25
Dettol?.. Showering 3 times a day?.. I think you're depleting your skin of it's natural oils, no wonder it's dry! x

16-11-10, 06:37
dettol as in bleach/surface cleaner? or do they actouly do shower gel :/ if its bleach then thats why lol stop useing that an limit yourself to 1 shower in the morning and 1 shower at night b4 bed i only shower once a day its all good =]

16-11-10, 10:38
why the hell do you use dettol?!! not being funny, but i have dry skin/excema and i have to be so careful what i put on my skin. i use johnsons baby gel in the shower which is fragrance free and then use e45. i shower before bed and smother myself in cream to moisturise! if i am slack for a couple of days my skin will be really tight and sore. i hope this helps.

16-11-10, 10:39
also if you are using dettol, you could be burning your skin and that would be why it is red.

16-11-10, 12:01
Dettol do shower gel /body wash lol, I think he'd have more than one sore patch if he was using the bleach! :D x

16-11-10, 12:04
HAHA whoops, sorry piers! it still is probably a little harsh on your skin ;-)

16-11-10, 12:46
This definitely sounds like over-depletion of your skin's natural oils. People who shower once a day should use moisturiser of some sort, so if you're having 3 a day, I would definitely think about using some. There are lots of mild non-sensitising ones out there - try something like E45 or Simple or even Johnson's Baby Lotion. I think my skin would peel off if I washed it that much!