View Full Version : At slimming world class.. Having HUGE panic attack.... Cnt leave, plz help

15-11-10, 17:43
im at my slimmin world class an usually im alright here bt iv brought my friend with me tonight who wanted to join so i CANT escape.... My hearts racing, feel tense, weak, absolutly terrified, hot, shaky....

Plz js rreassure me its a panic attack.. Im panickin incase i pass out, im eatin an
orange n banana to try an calm down.

Please reassure me im ok x


15-11-10, 17:51
Hi, hope the fruit has helped! You're probably pannicking because you can't leave when u want to beccause your friend is there. I'm sure if you told you're friend she'd understand and allay your fears. x

15-11-10, 17:56
Aww hun,

It's a horrible feeling, but try and remember that it is a feeling and nothing bad will happen, i know its easier said than done.

I had times at slimming classes in the past that i felt like that, and don't think you can't leave as that will make you worse, you can say you're hot and need some fresh air, you're not trapped so don't feel that.

Try and think about something else as a distraction if you can, like the words to a song or something, it usually helps me.

di x

15-11-10, 18:04
Hi Fairy,

People rarely pass out when panicking. And remember, you can leave, even if your friend is there. You can still leave if you really need to.

Getting your breathing under control makes a big difference. You could try the breathing into a paper bag trick if you have one. Or try counting as you breath, and count for longer as you breath out than when you breath in. 7 in, 11 out is often mentioned but the exact numbers don’t matter.

Or simply do some really long sighs or yawns, because they’re really like long ‘out’ breaths.

You’ll be fine :)

16-11-10, 12:34
Thankyou for your replies everyone x

I dont know what happened.. i just really freeked out 5 minutes before i was leaving to pick my friend up and i knew i had to go because she was waiting on me to pick er up etc, i just tried to carry on as normal but i felt so horrible.

I managed to stay, i just stayed sat in my chair during the class talk etc trying to tell myself 'whatever is going to happen, will happen'

Iv been doing so well lately, this just hit me.. felt different to my 'classic' panic attack so i just freeked!

Feeling iffy about going out today but i know i have too to get back on track again.. i feel tense and shaky but im going to my friends this afternoon and il make sure i go xx

18-11-10, 17:47
Leaving the situation is the absolute worst thing you could have done. Well done for staying. You are one step closer to curing yourself.

19-11-10, 09:11
Another thing you can use as a "time out" in a situation like that is to go to the loo for 5 minutes. By the time you've sat there for a few minutes and told yourself you're OK, you usually are. This one has worked for me loads of times.