View Full Version : Lost A Stone In 2 Weeks..?

15-11-10, 18:11
This is probably the most important post ive ever made and i need all the help and reasurance right now. Ok so -

Two weeks ago i weighed, 8.42 (stone) and now i weigh 7.11. I feel very ill and the whole of my abdomen is painful in places, i can feel my ribs and when i try breathe my tummy out it stays flat as a pancake, (it never used to do that) It hurts when i breathe out aswell. I am under alot of stress, my boyfriend keeps messing me around and all we do is argue all the time, its a very long distance relationship. Im scared i may be seriously ill. I keep getting constipation and i get blood from that area too. I sleep at the wrong hours, i eat so say .. Ok. But not great. I always have stomache acid waking me up at night, and i feel dizzy and weak all the time. Sometimes i feel like im about to be sick but nothing ever comes up. Ive lost weight in my breast area too, they've gone down a cup size. I always look pale and tired :weep: i just dont know what to do or say, i dont want to leave the house and make it to the doctors because im near enough bedbound. Im so scared, im seventeen years old. And i dont know whats going on with my body..

15-11-10, 18:16
Can you ask for a phone consultation with a Dr at your surgery - I know in some areas a home visit is almost impossible although I would plead for one of those first- explain you are so ill you cannot get out of bed.

If they agree to either a home visit or a phone consultation then write a list of all your symptoms beforehand and either give it to the Dr on arrival or read it out over the phone.

When you phone the surgery insist on one or the other and don't be fobbed off even though you are young.

Good luck

15-11-10, 18:19
Hi ruby

I'm exactly the same. Its awful when you look and feel ill because you actuall start to think your really ill but anxiety can do this to you too. Last year when my anxiety first started I went from 7 and half stone to 6 and half stone looked pale and ill and its scary but anxiety really can do this to you. The acid can also be caused by anxiety and stress I have this really bad when my anxiety flares up. If your really worried could you not phone your dr for some advice instead of trying to make it to the surgery if you really feel that bad. Good luck x

15-11-10, 20:17
sweetie - do u have family looking out for u? i was like u at that age - i think that was the first time i had depression.

BUT life can and will get better. as the others say u need to get some help from a GP. If your bf is really giving u a hard time - he is not right for u. U are a very special person and need to be treated with care and respect - not lots of stress.
If you can eat little and often you will feel better and maybe stick to some plain food. If you have to go to the surgery get an early morning appt - you will wont be waiting around too long.

In the meantime we are here for you anytime.xxxxx

16-11-10, 14:28
Also my hair is falling out by the root.
Sometimes 3-4 strands at a time.. :weep:

16-11-10, 15:57
Hiya Ruby

Bless you you sound so run down and low. Like ditzgirl says do you have anyone looking after you or anyone you can talk too? How about friends or family ?

From what you have said I get the impression that you may be living on your own, is that right?

I really feel for you as you are the same age as my son and I would hate him to feel how you are feeling as I know at such a young age it's even harder to cope with things sometimes eh. :hugs:

The problems you are having with your boyfriend wont be helping matters either. I wont tell you to get rid as that's easier to say than do eh especially when it comes from someone like me who knows nothing about you.

I lost 3 stone after a break up with one of my boyfriends when I was a few years older than you as I was so very very low and crying all the time. The weight just dropped off me too even though I was eating as well as I could given the turmoil I was going through both mentally and physically.

Once I realised what a s**t and complete b*****d (oops I'll be in trouble now for putting bad language on here) he had been to me for how he had treated me I suddely realsied that he had never been worth my love and hey I was slim so his loss (I was a lot heavier than you though so losing the weight was a bonus for me when I actually came to terms with it).

You have to be strong and think to yourself that IF your relationship isn't working for whatever reason and it is making you ill or feel worse then it/he's really NOT worth it.... YOU ARE THE IMPORTANT ONE as it's YOUR life and don't let ANYONE spoil it for you.

I really think that if you can you should see a doctor though as all this worry and weight loss is not good for you as you were very slim sounding before so now wonder you feel so bad.
Maybe you could just ring them up and tell them exactly what you have told us and the doctor may come to you if you can't get there.

You and your poor body will just be so really run down especially if you are in bed all the time and getting no light exercise, fresh air or propper food.

Is there anyone that could get you a tonic or some 'build up' drinks from the chemist. I think there is one called Complan which is full of vitamins and minerals etc and is used to 'build you up' when you have been poorly.

The bleeding you get could just be because of straining if you are constipated and again a tonic and eating small but slightly better food, plus drinking plenty of fluids should help.

As for you losing 3-4 strands of hair... please don't worry about that as the average person loses around 200 hairs a day naturally. We tend not to notice as most is lost through brushing or hair washing and even when we brush against things or clothing. You will just be noticing them because you are now 'aware' of it and think it's a problem. It's not :hugs:

Whatever you decide to do you WILL get over how you are feeling and you WILL get better... you just need some love, understanding and help to get there.

You'll get all that one here but you'll get there a whole lot quicker if you see your doctor too so he can help you.

Heres a big hug :bighug1:and please start taking care of yourself and try not to worry.

Always here for a chat if ever you need one x x x x x x x x x x:hugs:

16-11-10, 15:58
Oooooooh gosh another long post..... I'm making a habit of this now...soz :doh::blush::hugs:

Rach J
16-11-10, 16:15
Hey Lil' One,

I hope you're finding some comfort and reassurance in the posts you've already had, and I echo others comments about how important it is for you to see or speak to a doctor. Not because I think you're ill but because you will hopefully be able to get the reassurance you're seeking about everything that's happening at the moment and then get advice and guidance on getting better.

As for the boyfriend, I hope this doesn't sound patronising but you're far too young to allow yourself to be treated like this. You have your whole life ahead of you and you deserve to be surrounded by people who love and respect you. I went into a serious relationship at your age and ended up wasting 8 years of my life on a complete idiot.

Thinking of you poppet xx

16-11-10, 22:04
a few strands of hair falling out is nothing to worry about.

Ditch that boyfriend.

You *can* get out of bed. Call your doctor, and get into see him/her as soon as you can. I am sure that this is all anxiety/depression, but it is better to be safe than sorry. You need to get some help and support.

good luck. You'll be okay. :)

17-11-10, 04:04
do you think your boyfriend is causing your stress?

you should do whatever you think is best for you.

do you have any support at all?

17-11-10, 23:17
Hiya Ruby

How are you feeling and have you managed to talk to a doctor yet?

Thinking of you still

Dizz x x x :hugs::hugs:

Going home
17-11-10, 23:33
Hello again Ruby, I see you're still having the same problems with the same boyfriend, except now you have a whole load of different people worrying about you on here.

For the members who think I might be coming across as a bit uncaring, read back through Ruby's past threads and the help she got from alot of us. Seems our advice has been ignored and thats ok, taking people's advice isn't a given, but if you inisist on posting again about this same boyfriend and how he's abusing you again, then its just going over old ground for alot of us who tried to help you the last time Ruby.

The people who are taking the time to reply to this thread may be unaware of your earlier ones, which upset alot of us at the time. This just seems to be a repeat of what went on before. Your boyfriend treats you badly, you suffer from stress as a result of it. My advice to you now is the same as it was before from so many of us here...get rid of the nasty boyfriend and maybe the stress will go away. You've been to the doctors so many times and know that its stress.

Look after yourself
Anna xx

17-11-10, 23:55
I think Ruby should try to get out of bed more and go to the doctor's then she will feel better of the fresh air.

18-11-10, 02:36






there is help there :-)

I think we must remember she is only 16, from the sounds of it she doesn't have much support and she does suffer a lot from depression and anxiety.
it's hard for any one to admit that the person we love and depend on might be hurting us.

another list of help lines I only saw just now........

Going home
18-11-10, 12:12
I haven't forgotten her age mish though I thought she was 17 not 16? and the list you've kindly given her to seek the professional help she needs has been given to her lots of times from various members very worried about her. I know her family don't support her and given her young age perhaps there should be a social worker involved. We all know what recurring anxiety and depression feels like and its good to have a place like this forum to come and talk and share and i'm not telling her to stop doing that, but Ruby's physical problems if I remember correctly, all stem from her abusive boyfriend, and all the symptoms she talks about now seem to be the same as before and she is once again telling us its down to her relationship with her boyfriend.

Ruby, you do need to try and be strong enough to get out of the relationship that is making you so ill. Do you remember all the advice you were given about this? Also, the doctor will make a house call if you cannot make it to the surgery.

Anna xx

18-11-10, 12:32
I understand more what you mean, she's seeking help for symptoms, that might be actually caused by her boyfriend.

Ruby I do feel as if your somewhat stuck in your situation, it would be good if you could take all the support you can get.

18-11-10, 14:06
GoingHome... while I fully understand the points you are trying to get over to Ruby please remember that she is only 17.

Think back to when you were Ruby's age and a relationship wasn't going well (uness of course you were one of the lucky ones).

I didn't have many serious boyfriends although the ones I did have lasted quite a few years. I can certainly remember how awful it felt when things weren't going right ... it felt like my whole world was caving in around me and I would try anything to stay with the person 'I' loved even if feelings weren't particularly mutual .... and did I listen to anyone NOPE !! It's only as I got a older that I realised my mistake.

I can't imagine how I would have coped if I had also suffered with illness, anxiety or depression on top of the 'normal' feelings of my 'despair'.

Ruby.... you will realise all this too soon one day, if you let yourself.

You need to be strong and take control of your own life and your own destiny. How I wish I was 17 again like you but knew what I know now.

You have your whole life ahead of you and YOU deserve it to be everything you want it to be and to enjoy it to the full.

Don't waste time, months or even years on things that are not right or can/can't be changed or like me one day you will look back one day and realise just how much of what should have been the best time in your life you have actually wasted.

Please get some help or see your doctor as although it may not seem like it at the moment YOU CAN GET THROUGH ALL THIS and you will come out the other side a far stronger and happier person that you ever imagined possible.

Take care and BE STRONG x x x x x x x x x:hugs:

18-11-10, 14:20
I've never been in a relationship like you Ruby but I do feel for you.

Most grown women find it hard to get out of a relationship like this let alone a 16/17 year old so please don't be too harsh. I know I've watched my mum go through relationships like this and its so hard to break free. Ruby don't stop posting here we are here to help and support as muh as we can.

And my hair falls out too hun I don't think its anything to worry about. Xxxx

Going home
18-11-10, 17:03
There are 397 views on this thread so far and only 8 of us have answered it. Perhaps people remember what happened the last time...which I won't go into here, not sure if you were one of the members around at that time sammi? But I did say that I would probably come across as uncaring and apologised for it, and I did say that I'm fully aware of her age and because of that and Ruby's family problems she should maybe have a social worker.

There are things we can't fix on nmp, abusive relationships are one of them, and she needs professional help. Perhaps a women's refuge can help her to get away from her abusive boyfriend. And yes I have been there myself.

Take care Ruby and call the doctor out if you're feeling so ill.
Anna x

18-11-10, 17:21
the hardest lesson i had to learn regarding relationships is that we can only be treated how we ALLOW ourselves to be treated but is probably only a lesson we learn in hindsight and so i feel you need to work on your self confidence/self esteem. no matter how much you love someone - if they treat you badly then they are not right/healthy for you. i know you will feel as if you will never get over it but you will. i regrettably got involved with a man in his thirties when i was 17 (he told me he was much younger) and i made myself ill over it. I am now in my thirties and very happily married and so you will move forward.

Anxiety/stress can make you feel very poorly. When i was in my early twenties (another wrong relationship!) i went down from 7 stone 4 pounds (i was a slight build) to around 6 stone 11 and looked very thin - i also had the most horrendous headaches. i am sorry but i have to agree with other posters - you owe it to yourself to end the relationship and build yourself back up. xx

19-11-10, 17:18
No Anna I wasn't around at the time.