View Full Version : anx and breathing

15-11-10, 18:25
hi everyone just need some reasuurance i think ive been feeling breathless a lot again especially when i lie down dont know if its my anx or what apparently my chest is ok but i feel like im smothering sometimes everytime i go drs they look at me like i shouldnt be there i know they get fed up but if ur feelin this how can i help but go drs does any1 else get the feelin there out of breath all time i feel so horrible and it doesnt help that im 10 weeks pregnant i just get scared of feelin out of breath all time

15-11-10, 18:39
Congrats on your pregnancy. I get this and doc says its anxiety my chest is always fine when dr checks it x

15-11-10, 18:44
thanks sammi do u feel breathless all the time its quite scary i used to get it before but im feelin like im smothering now when i lie down constantly feelin breathless now i keep tryin to say its in my mind but very hard when u feel breathless all time

15-11-10, 19:51
Yes I get it all the time hun its bloody horrible x

15-11-10, 20:00
thanks sammi its gd to know its not just me

15-11-10, 20:03
Oh no hun your not alone I promise you that x

15-11-10, 20:29
thanks sammi

16-11-10, 15:33
This is also a pregnancy thing... Congrats!

Find a different position to lie in. Try your side. :)

paula lynne
16-11-10, 15:38
Yes, just changing your position slightly can make a difference. Have you tried any breathing/relaxation cds? There are come great ones around. Congratulations on your pregnancy x:)

16-11-10, 20:18
Oh wow, I didnt know you were pregnant hon! Congratulations! That's fantastic! Hehe, I'm saying congratulations to you a lot at the moment :)

I get breathing issues sometimes. It is probably due to panic/anxiety. When I'm anxious I sometimes get a sensation like I have an elastic band around my chest squeezing my lungs in. Breathing symptoms are pretty standard with anxiety...oh joy. You're ok hon. Concentrate on the good stuff :)

Moonlight Xxx

16-11-10, 20:40
thanks hun yeh 10 weeks now anx is defo comin bk in the form of my breathin health worries about copd now cos im breathless whenever i walk to