View Full Version : Brain aneurysm worry AGAIN.

15-11-10, 19:26
Why can't i stop worrying about having one?

i don't smoke... i dont drink... i dont have caffeine.... im abit over weight but other than that i am fine... healthy

but the fear of having a brain aneurysm its horrible.... i just have horrible images of me having a fit and dying..

does anyone else have this


15-11-10, 20:05

15-11-10, 21:59

15-11-10, 23:01
Hi there, I also worry about a brain aneurysm. I suffer from anxiety disorder and because it has made me feel so ill I worry about my health. I started sertraline 6 weeks ago and it made me feel really dizzy and I had funny pains in my head well I was convinced I was going to drop down dead! my boyfriend tells me to stop been stupid easier said then done when your suffering, nobody knows unless they suffer from it how bad anxiety really is I just wish it would go away x


15-11-10, 23:07
My boyfriend also says not to worry! but as you said its so hard not to!
i get horrible images in my head of my dropping down dead and losing everything... horrible :(

but he tells me they are super rare... but then i don't listen cuz 2 people i know have died from them

15-11-10, 23:48
I too have known people die from them. I also know people who have had them and lived and are still living.

I also know people who have had them and still smoke 20 cigs a day.

The truth is, I'ts not really you worrying about it, it's the anxiety causing the worry to snowball.

Over the years (I'm now 56) I've suffered from the 'What if' syndrome. In other words I've worried incase I get this or that.

I've had Cancer in every part of my body. I've suffered endless heart attacks and strokes. Headaches are obviosly brain tumors. Stomach ailments are cancer of course and the list is endless.

I've taken myself to A and E so many times, they are beginning to think I have a nurse fetish.

The best piece of advise I can give is to just turn the 'what ifs' into 'so whats'!

OK so tomorrow you may wake up ill, but then again...................I bet you don't!

16-11-10, 05:21
Hi Horse,

I had to chime in here. lol..Im sorry..im 56 too and well .. Got to tell you I have outlived the whatif's so very many of them .. You remind me of my wife..I guess over the years she has heard so many of the "what ifs" she knows me well enough to say .. When you wake tomorrow you will still be here and you will know it wasn't a whatif ..lol . I like your outlook and I can be like that most of the time but I do get moments where I too go back to what if. But wanted to say thanks for the smile..you brought to me reading your post. Michael

16-11-10, 11:36
I fret about this sometimes, as my mother had a brain aneurysm at the age of 57. However, she smoked about 40-60 cigarettes a day and had really high blood pressure. She had also used an old migraine drug called dihydroergotamine for years, which was withdrawn as there is strong evidence that it weakens the blood vessels in the brain. She was therefore an accident waiting to happen.

I went to see a neurologist about this 3 years ago and his opinion was that although I have a *slightly* higher risk than average, he didn't think it was worth worrying about as I have never smoked and have quite low blood pressure (which he said are the main causative factors).

So I think what I'm trying to say here is that unless you have a strong family history of it, or smoke/have high blood pressure, then the risk of this happening is actually quite low.

Hope this helps!

16-11-10, 16:15
Thank you all so much for your replys!
and yes my mother has high blood pressure and is a smoker... but luckily i have average blood pressure and havent smoked in a year .

17-11-10, 21:44
So good to hear some of these replies and no i'm not on my own worrying about this! My Grandma died when she was 61 of a brain aneurysm, I was aged 10 and really, really close to her.

I heard that they ran in the family and this is what the cause of my worry was! Obviously the rational side of me forgot to mention she smoked 20 a day and had stupidly high blood pressure!

Sadly, i've moved on to worrying about an aortic aneurysm as my great-grandma on the other side of the family died of one!

18-11-10, 14:52
The funny thing is..I never really worried about my brain as such the odd thought but that was it, and I have had health anxiety for a number of years. Last October I had a brain Haemorrhage, there were NO symptoms, BANG it just happened. Not one little sign that, that was going to happen.

So I hope this reassures you that headaches and so on can be anything and are usually down to your poor shoulders holding all that stress and anxiety!

Oh and also I smoke and it was nothing to do with smoking! I'm 36 btw