View Full Version : stomach pain/cramps?

15-11-10, 23:01
Hey guys
Am getting this strange cramp/pain feeling in my stomach area.
It is above my belly button yet below rib cage area in the centre.
It comes and goes in waves, so it will start off really dull and then get intense and then go dull.
It takes over my whole stomach and takes my breath away really.
It isn't that paind of period pain at all, but it is similar in a way (no I am not due for my montly).
Does anyone know what could cause this?
I am thinking, tummy bug at the moment but other than that just don't know what could cause this to happen.

Any advice would be great!!!

16-11-10, 15:50
I get something similiar to this but it is no pain or cramp feeling. I will feel breathless starting at top of my stomach that goes up through my chest and then back down. It will make me try twice to swallow too. It can come in waves and get intense at times, but mostly it can last all day at a very dull rate. Either way it sux because again i think my heart is either gonna stop or i am gonna stop breathing. Even when i try to breath in more it still feels restricted like a am taking a breath through clothing material or something.

17-11-10, 02:55
thanks for your reply!
I am feeling a bit better today, am still getting that feeling but not as often. I was on the toilet a bit yesterday/last night and have been this morning so I am putting it down to a tummy bug. I must have eaten something that has not agreed with me.
If it keeps going for a couple more days I will head to the GP to get it sussed out.

Wowza I have come along way haha, I would normally get very freaked out about this yet I have thought about this rationally and it all makes sense :)

17-11-10, 05:54
Could also be IBS type cramps.

17-11-10, 07:20
for me IBS pain is always above my belly button, they can be pretty intense and if i feel anxious the pain gets worse

17-11-10, 09:09
Hi Lauz,

There is a tummy bug going about, I have the same tummy bug, you have describe it to a T. Hope you feel better soon, I still have sore tummy, feel sick with it. though I'm getting better.

plus I have passed this on to my son, I know I have a tummy bug, it's goes round the family.

hope you are feeling better soon, drink plenty of fluids.


18-11-10, 01:48
Thanks for the reply guys!

It is now day 3 and am still getting the pain a little, not as often as I was.
I am putting it down to a tummy bug.
I have had a bit of trouble with bowel movements which made me think IBS but I have never suffered from IBS before.

All good, nearly the weekend here so not going to let this get me down :)