View Full Version : scared to just feel fine and not worry?

16-11-10, 00:19
this may sound really stupid, im scared of dieing i know alot of people r but have you ever heard some1 say oh when there grandad or some1 died they said they felt fine and was happy as larry so to speak then that night they die, aposed to feeling like crap and ill but sticking it out if that makes scene? so my question is, is any1 else scared to feel normal because of that? like i said i know it may sound stupid but can any1 get where im coming from i think this is a big reason why i can relax, cuz i don't want to 'drift off' so somewhere else if that where possible, silly i know but nothing every surprises me that some1 else on here dose or has felt this way, can any1 shed any light? would be most appreciated :shrug::wacko:

16-11-10, 04:48
I think I know what you mean I'm get like that and really scared. I get scared that my heart will just stop. Every ache and paini have I always think the worse. Iwas in the sauna earlier and got a nose bleed so really scared myself. I haven't properly relaxed all night now. I wished that sometimes i could just lay down and be totally relaxed but I always seem to feel anxious. I hate it so much. So don't worry your not alone in what you are thinking, x x

16-11-10, 04:55
cheers =]