View Full Version : Labyrinthitis

16-11-10, 01:20
So after my episode yesterday I went to see my doctor today. I told him exactly what happened and how it felt. For those who did not see my post, if I looked straight ahead the room would dart back and fourth yet I don't think my eyes moved.. Then I had a real bad dizzy spell..I then felt the rocking boat sensation and I could not get my balance and got some bad headaches.

He checked my eyes and listened to my lungs and heart.. They also took tons of blood work which he said all looked good.

He diagnosed me with Labrinthitis..Does anyone else here have this?

When I looked it up, I read that Panic attacks occur in it's early stages. I'm now wondering if I had this all the time and never knew it..

16-11-10, 01:32
Hi Joy, I've had lab, and if you search for it on here you will find other threads about it. I certainly had a lot of panic when I had it, possibly because I hadn't a clue what was going on. How long do you think you might have had it and did the doc give you anything for it?

16-11-10, 01:38
Hi Joy, I've had lab, and if you search for it on here you will find other threads about it. I certainly had a lot of panic when I had it, possibly because I hadn't a clue what was going on. How long do you think you might have had it and did the doc give you anything for it?

I actually tried to do a search for it, but the search function was giving me a 404 error :(

I think I may have had it for over a year. When my Anxiety first started I went to the doctor and he told me I had vertigo.. I would get the wobbles and such but never the eye thing or the actual spins.. A year later this occurs and now I'm putting the pieces together. I'm thinking I had this the whole time and it's what is causing my panic attacks

16-11-10, 01:40
It does that sometimes. Maybe try later - there's a couple of threads at the bottom of this page tho x

16-11-10, 02:11
I don't see them but I clicked on tags and found 3 posts :)