View Full Version : cheek

Rachel W
16-11-10, 02:27

I was feeling my cheeks last night. Don't know why, I was reading and not paying attention and I noticed that my right cheek has some large fatty lumps in it. I think I may have had these before but in the past recently when feeling for enlarged salivary glands I did not notice them then, but then again they are only noticeable if I press in against my molars, or if I put a finger in my mouth and palpate with my thumb on the outside. I am really nervous about having swollen salivary glands, but when I looked up swollen parotid glands the swelling looks like it would be close to my ear and around the jaw joint rather than in my cheek. Does anyone else here have any bumps in their cheek (feel slightly fatty but a little firm about an inch or 1.5 round but flattish).

I am really in a panic about this and have no one to talk to about it as my boyfriend already thinks (knows?) I am a worrier. As I said, I think in the past I may have had this, but I don't remember having something only in one cheek, and not sure of it was there a few months ago or if I wasn't feeling the same area.

I think my boyfriend once asked if my cheek was swollen, but that was 2 years ago and at that time I did not think it was.

Please help me.

Thank you.

16-11-10, 11:18
did you have a brace when you were younger? My cheeks are very lumpy because of the way the metal rubbed on them.

Rachel W
16-11-10, 16:22
Thanks Vixxy. No. I had a tooth pulled last year but that is all. Does anyone know that if the saliva glands were swollen would the swelling be further back nearer the ear at the jaw hinge rather than in the fleshy part of the cheek?

16-11-10, 17:19
I've just had a feel on my cheeks where you described and I have these too, so I think its just a normal part of our cheeks :D

You are fine - big hugs


Rachel W
16-11-10, 20:20
Thank you. It is just that it seems quite big and because it is more in one cheek it got me panicked. :( Thanks again. Are yours quite big and squishy feeling like a fat lump? Hugs back.

18-11-10, 15:21
Hi rachel

can you tell me does your lumpy bits feel cycsty?

im freaking out because on one side mine feels like little tiny lumpy grapes and not on the the other side

im so scared, sorry if this is not helping you


Rachel W
18-11-10, 20:06
I just have one fatty feeling area of about 1.5 (maybe slightly less) inches and about 1cm thick if I pinch it with my thumb on the inside of my cheek and finger on the outside. It is right in front of the jaw hinge and there is no swelling where the usual swelling is when you have a parotid swelling. My boyfriend says he has this on both sides, but it is just on one side for me. It is fatty feeling but the internal inch of it feel a little harder, a little like a tendon in some ways. Not sure. Sorry.

I hope that you feel better about it soon.


19-11-10, 12:45
Yes it does feel very big and fatty:D


Rachel W
20-11-10, 02:32
Thanks. It is strange that it is just on one side. Oh well. I am weird so maybe that is it. ;P