View Full Version : Really bad cough

16-11-10, 05:44
Hi my mum has this really bad cough which she has had for weeks and she has thrown up with it although it's normally phlem. She does smoke and drink. I'm really worried about Her coz it might be serious as she's had it for so long. Any ideas wat it could be? Anyone experienced it?

Please reply asap
love louise

16-11-10, 06:14
i think there a bug going around tbh im ill bad throat my mum was ill last week my bros ill my bros gf was ill 1 of my best mates my dads lol just makeing it though every1 and dw cuz once youv had it your body fights it off cuz you can never have the same 2 colds se will be fine every1 i comeing down with something atm its cuz its just started getting really cold, hope this helps =]

16-11-10, 07:24
Hi, I've heard of loads of people that are the same at the moment. I think its just the time of year as regards to the changeable weather. I'm sure your mum would see a Doc if she thought she should. x:flowers:

16-11-10, 08:33
yes it is going round! and im one of them :weep: i seem to not beable to shake this cough, tickle thing its driving me nuts this wk!
just been taking covonia cough lozenges and paracetomal, oh and plenty of water x she may need antibiotics if the phlem is green. hope she gets better soon xxx :hugs:

16-11-10, 08:55
Yes if its numbers of people with coughs you are after chalk another up:)

Not me but my wife has just shifted hers after about four weeks of barking

16-11-10, 11:28
My partner has got this as well, and he's been barking like a seal for about 10 days now.