View Full Version : Upset bowels worrying

16-11-10, 10:02
I posted two days ago that I thought I maybe had some bug as I had had 15 bm's in the day and lots of mucus but not runny d ir you know what I mean - my husband had had upset bowel day before but nowhere near as bad as I did. He was fine after 24 hrs and back to normal but I am still struggling. I have got really noisy wind exploding and gurgling so bad it would be embarrasing to be in company and then I suddenly have to go to the loo ( worry I won't make it) and have loose sudden bm with mucus.
My husband is normally really good with my health anxiety but I have had alot of things past couple of months and he is not his usual sympathetic self over this and says stop worrying about it as it will make your bowels even worse and give it time to settle down. he says he is still having more bms than normally and quite a bit of wind but he is fine compared to me!

I had a colonoscopy two half years ago and it was perfect and I was told that I had IBS as I do have very sensitive bowel and the classic loose bowels am then sheep droppings later in day so I stopped worrying because of the clear colonoscopy.

I really want to go to the Dr with a sample to test I don't have any nasty bacterial infection in bowel but cannot do this withoug husband knowledge as I need the transport to Drs and its really affecting my life as I am finding it difficult to go out and next week is really busy for me:shrug:

Getting into a right old panic here:weep:

16-11-10, 11:15
Hi countrygirl. I don;t think you need to go to the doctors until it's effecting your health. You've only been feeling poorly a few days, so you need to give yourself more time to get over it. It might be taking longer to get better in comparison to your husband because of your anxiety. It knocks our immune system a bit and can take longer to get rid of most common illnesses.
Just keep your fluids up and try to eat plain foods.

16-11-10, 11:22
Hiya Countrygirl...

How come you started a new topic rather than putting it on the other one you started... got me all confused again now.

Like Vixxi says though there is no need to rush to the docs with a sample as it can take a while for your body to get rid of a simple tummy bug.

Another thing you may want to try is some probiotic yoghurt or drinks ie the ones with the friendly tummy bacteria in them like Yakult etc and ofcourse plenty of water to flush it out.

Think that was said on your original topic about it though so sorry if I'm duplicating.

x x x x x

16-11-10, 11:30
Sorry for starting a new topic and causing confusion - Thank you both for talking sense to me - something that I have a severe lack of when I am in panic mode as you will all appreciate:blush:

Sometimes I find it helpful to have a plan of action with anything health worrying and my husband is good at this as he is sensible unilke me!

As always i want to be better now and the what ifs come crowding in.

I am due to go out this evening so will see how i am by teatime, fingers crossed, yesterday I was okay in afternoon and early evening but then got the most horrendous noisy exploding wind and had to rush to loo twice in quick succession and it would have been so embarrasing if it had happened when I was out.

16-11-10, 13:24

I ahve a funny tummy practically everyday due to my IBS and my anxeity. It will take a while for you to get back to normal after a tummy upset. You'll be ok.xxxxxxxxxx

17-11-10, 10:03
I have given in and made appt with Dr for this afternoon and will take a sample as well. I thought I was a bit better yesterday only went 6 times and seemd a bit more formed but still loads of mucus as well but woke up this morning and had terrible cramps and urgency and barely made it to the bathroom 5 times in an hour and quite runny! and loads of mucus but not alot at any one time - I feel as if it is taking me 10 bowel movements to get rid of what I normally get rid of in one go.

Because of the mucus I am panicking that I have bowel cancer - I know I know jumping to worse case scenario at first oppurtunity. I keep telling myself that I had a clear colonoscopy two and half years ago and no polyps found but the health anxiety is doing its stuff not to mention so fed up of not being able to go out much.

17-11-10, 13:14
I have had an upset tummy ever since a tummy bug in September! Been told everything is fine and no need to worry. It is slowly improving but these things can really knock your system for six. Especially when you're anxious too. Because when were anxious usually the first thing to be affected is your digestive system in some way. I think you're fine, honest. But it unpleasant, I know.

17-11-10, 13:52
Thanks Dodo - I have now moved from bowel cancer to ulcerative colitis worrying!!! as I realise that a clear colonoscopy two half years ago would mean bowel cancer is way down the list. I read some posts on ibs website and quite a few of them were saying that lots of mucus and runny bum can be from ulcerative colitis.

I will be brave this afternoon when I see the Dr and tell her of my fear and hopefully she can reassure me - I know they do two blood tests esr and crp and stool sample to give them an idea well I am going armed with the stool sample:blush:

Will let you know what she says - thanks so much everyone:bighug1:

17-11-10, 13:54
Aww hope everything goes ok and you get reassurance, like you said you had tests 2 years ago which were clear so you are going to be just fine.

Take Care.xxxxxxxxxxx

17-11-10, 20:11
Ahhhh I had esr and crp done when I went with my tummy and had no idea what they were for?

How did you get on?

17-11-10, 22:06
Well the Dr was thorough - I gave her a sample for testing and she also did blood tests - fbc, esr, liver and kidney I think and she also gave me a kit to do the occult blood screen over three days so could not ask for more. She said its okay to wait 6 weeks to see if a change of bowel habit settles down and I have to go back two weeks today and she said we could discuss all the results. She said unless I become very dehydrated or loose alot of blood to wait until all the resutls are in before going back - the sample can take a week to get results as they see what grows and of course it will be early next week before I can send the occult test in.

At least I wasn't fobbed off with its only ibs!