View Full Version : Worried silly...

16-11-10, 10:34
"I wish i had never Googled" - Any health anxiety sufferers famous last words!!!

So for over a year i can smell smells that aren't there. In the middle of the night, morning, afternoon, evening, whenever, i can ALWAYS smell something. Generally it's burning toast OR burning rubber.

So yeah, i just Googled and it came up with either the possibility of seizures/brain tumor or stroke..... EXCELLENT!

Today, it's awful and is making me feel really sick :(

It's all the fricking time...


16-11-10, 10:52
Lesson learned... never google eh as it will always tell you the worst rather than other possibilities :hugs::winks:

Have you ever spoken to your doctor about it as it could just be an infection in your nasal passages which is giving off an odd smell.

Must be realy annoying for you though :hugs:

paula lynne
16-11-10, 10:56
As dizz says, lesson learned!
Some people are born with this type of phenomenon, its not harmful. Others develop it after a head injury when they are kids, again, harmless. Try not to focus on it if you can. Try sucking very strong mints when it happens, this often over-rides the smell. Take care x

16-11-10, 10:58
i done that too and it made me crazy, every little thing i googled and was running to the doctor, i still do it now but im not as bad. im pregnant now aswel so i get alot of symptoms that i am not used to and it freaks me out. im googles best customer ha. hope you feel better soon. i work on a computer all day long so its hard not too look stuff up. im still convinced i have something that they have not diagnosed yet, it really starts to mess with your head though. i such a hypochondriac and i know i am but i just cant help but worry. glad to know i am not the only one feeling this way

16-11-10, 11:12
I often get smells of broad beans... very weird. Could it be related to things you're eating?

16-11-10, 11:24
But it's happening in the middle of the night, even waking me up! I've just rubbed tea tree oil under my nose to take the smell away.


16-11-10, 11:26
The smell of broad beans can last up to 48 hours for me. I have sinus problems, so I think its the actual mucus that smells.

16-11-10, 11:45
Well. I WILL go to the doctors without feeling like an idiot... I can't let this one go, and in my defence, i haven't been for at least 4 weeks.... ;)

16-11-10, 12:21
Its not just you!

I used to get the smell of burnt toast when I went swimming - only swimming, now that is freaky!
