View Full Version : My worst attack yet

16-11-10, 16:10
Hello girls and boys.

I suffer from generalized anxiety with the ocasional panic attack.

All the attacks i've had so far were all in tense moments, but last saturday i've had the most intense attack i ever had.

I was in a friends house, talking to her grandfather when, all of a sudden, i felt a really hot feeling in my head, like heat waves. I imediatly started do shake, a felt like the whole room was spining, like i was going to faint.

I held on to my girlfriend, excused myself, and ran to the bathroom to wash my face. My girlfriend followed me and i had to hang on to her because i really thought i was going to collapse.

At this point my heart was racing, my breathing was shallow and i felt like i had no strenght on my legs.

This really freaked me out.

I took a Xanax and half a Victan, but felt weak for the next few hours.

Since then, i've been feeling constantly weak, shacky, and dizzy.

The full blown attack almost happened again yesterday.

Even at the dinner table with my folks i feel like i'm going to faint at any moment.

I've been dealing with these for years, but never been as scared as right now...

Anyone can relate to this symptoms?

What can one do to overcome this constant feeling of fear, because i think this is what is keeping my symptoms hanging around.

Sorry for my bad english, but i'm not from a english talking country... :)

16-11-10, 16:33
classic panic attack! and because it scared you the fear is hanging around which is why you still feel dizzy and weak... every panic attack feels like the first one so its no wander your scared. unfortunatly the only way to overcome it is to stop fearing it!!!! which is easier said than done... but as long as there is fear the anxiety will keep going! just remind your self nothing bad will happen a panic attack can not hurt you. good luck xxxxx

16-11-10, 16:41
Ty for the fast reply.:yesyes:

I forgot to say that i had been drinking the night before.

Also, i had all tests known to man, form my head to my feet, and apart form a sligthly high cholesterol level, i'm an healthy individual.

16-11-10, 17:20
:) many of my own worst attacks have been the morning after !!! hangovers seem to be a trigger !! and since u have had all the tests you know its anxiety:) once you accept that you will start to feel better!!! now tell me how to accept mine haha x!!

16-11-10, 17:37
Yep i know.

Always easier said than done... :weep: