View Full Version : Hi.I am a new member

16-11-10, 17:46
Hi, I am a new member so thought I would introduce myself, I have been suffering with anxiety for about the last 5 months, It has been complete hell - I went through a good phase but I am back feeling really bad again. I have been worrying alot and taking panic attacks when I am out, I am currently signed off work as I was finding it to much. The doctor put me on anti depressants but they made me feel worse and I had really bad sided affects so i stopped them and I am not keen on going on anti depressants again, feeling abit lost just now, so I wonder has anyone got through this without medication? what have others found that have helped?


16-11-10, 17:48
Hi JennyR

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

carla g
16-11-10, 17:48
how long did you take the tabs 4? iv had anxiety bad for around 4 months now and started anti ds the first few weeks r hell but it does go away as they settel down x

16-11-10, 17:56

I only took them for a week as I was just feeling ill, I had nausea, couldn't sleep, terrible head aches and couldn't eat, so I just kind of feel I am not good with tablets as I tried a different anti depressant a couple of months ago and I was the same although really sick. so I am hoping the doctor will suggest something else or I am hoping I can find the inter strength to beat this. Have you found anything else helpful? :)

carla g
16-11-10, 18:00
i use a vitamin b complex and omega 3 fish oils these are ment to help the nerve system i find if i push myself threw things i feel so mutch better about it and i feel as if i can do it again and again, anxiety can be beaten it just takes time to find what is right for you, im hopein my meds will do the job and i wount haf2 try anything else but i guess its gona be a long road to recovery x

16-11-10, 18:06
Yes I have heard omega 3 is good, I also take vitamin B complex, I am going back to the doctors to see what she can suggest, but I think I would rather try without anti depressants just not for me, which is a shame because I think they can really help, good luck with your meds :) can I ask how your anxiety affects you?
As sometimes I feel so alone and as if I am going crazy as my friends etc don't understand - I don't expect them to!
I think you are right you can do it and I think attitude has alot to do with it, I had lost my positive attitude and feel really negative and had stopped pushing myself but feeling more positive and going to start taking small steps.

paula lynne
16-11-10, 18:11
Hi Jenny, welcome aboard, nice to know you :welcome:

carla g
16-11-10, 18:17
their is a page on hear telling you what kind of things can help for anxiety im working my way down them to see if any help, alot of people have said the key is to eat a good diet exercise and have a routine when you go to bed and wake up. im sure ul get loads of tips of diffrent people. when i first got anxiety i just thought i wos ill and ended up in hospital haveing a panic attack this happend for a few week because they dident no what it wos, when i wos finally told what it wos i calmd down alot and started to focus on getin better , im not as bad as what i wos but b4 i started the tabs i couldent go out or even do the simple things with my children iv made one meal for them in the last 4 months and my partner hasto do all the jobs in the house or they wouldent get done. i think it has effected me in everyway and i to thought i wos going to turn crazy i felt out of it for weeks and couldent remember anything still carnt lol. you will hopefully find the positive attitude soon as i did just talking to people on hear made me feel so mutch better about it all x

16-11-10, 18:17

Thanks :) I am already finding the website and forum brillant - really helpful! :yesyes:

carla g
16-11-10, 18:22
i dont think i would of got to were i am without nmp as no 1 around me nos what i am going threw and my partner is wrapd up in himself he doesent really care x

16-11-10, 18:23
Sounds like you have been through an awful time! I mainly feel anxious when i am out socially, in supermarkets etc, but recently I have been staying in more and I have been feeling really unwell thinking is there something wrong with me, but I am now learning to tell myself that there is nothing wrong with me its all in my head, and I am going to start pushing myself to get back out, I think it is a fear of taking a panic attack, and I tend to feel lightheaded, hot, shaky, uncomfortable and feel like I am going to pass out. So I am hoping my inter strengh will get me through this, It is such a horrible thing - I hadn't really heard about it until I started experiencing symptoms.
Positive attitude and you can beat this x:yesyes:

16-11-10, 18:27
Yes I am finding it really helpful - it is supportive to know that you are not alone, as at the start I just didn't understand it and felt embarassed to talk about it to my friends and boyfriend. My friends are okay to talk to but they dont fully understand neither does my boyfriend but he is supportive I just feel that I must be an awful girlfriend so that is part of my motivation getting my life back to normal for my boyfriend :)

16-11-10, 18:39
I am sure he does, I think it is hard for other people to understand if they haven't been through the same - I didn't understand this at all before I started experiencing all these symptoms. It is a hard struggle but I do believe there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

carla g
16-11-10, 18:48
i felt the same when i went out if felt like my legs were going to give up on me everytime i went out but im getin over that now and i dont find it 2 hard b4 i couldent go on buses or that far away from my home but in the last few days iv been on buses and trains and miles away from my home so i no im on the ryt track x

16-11-10, 18:51
thats great sounds like you are making progress. I have not been at all recently, but I am starting a fresh tomorrow and I am going to start taking small steps going for small walks, smaller shops etc then build it up - then start socialising more, so hopefully this time I can do it :)

carla g
16-11-10, 19:01
thats how i did it i went for walks around the block which wos really hard for me at first then i further and further i also try going in shops but find that i rush around and get out as fast as i can, i havent really seen alot of my friends since being ill but im pushing myself to try and get out and do something with them x

16-11-10, 19:06
Yes I am the same I haven't been seeing much of my friends recently, but I am just going to take it step by step, I think a few months ago when I was doing good I had started to get my life back I just pushed myself to much and went back to work to quickly and that is what has set me back and feel worse than ever though, but I will get there :)
I am signing off now but I will hopefully speak to you again soon :yesyes: