View Full Version : can anyone help me

16-11-10, 20:35
I was fine till a couple of months ago and was walking down the street and slipped a little bit. Now I am scared of going out just in case I slip. It got bad today as had to ask my dad to come with me and had to hold on to him.

my legs feel stiff and feel sick. Also can't go down ramps or anything like that or if been wet. I have concerts next year and also going to ireland and don't want to be worried about this

any tips or advice and what have I got?

16-11-10, 20:43
Hi, I know how you feel, especially at this time of year with the wet and the frost. Buy yourself some really good quality strong soled footwear, the best you can afford and they will hold your feet. I know they may not be the most fashionable but its much preferable to a broken ankle or leg!

16-11-10, 20:57
The last post was a good one.
Try not to let what happened overcome you, because the longer you stay indoors, the worst it will be in getting out. Trust me...I am agoraphobic!
Fight how you are feeling and get out there well equipped with a I can do this attitude. Dont give in to how you feel.
Let us know how you get on,
Hugs to you :hugs:

16-11-10, 21:06
Good idea Lucy ... or even some trainers - I know lots of young women in London wear them to go to work, then change into other shoes when they get to the office. One word of warning however! I always wear flat shoes (I have to for work) and for walking the dog etc so now I am rubbish at walking in heels! I don't know how those girls dance in heels on Strictly - I know I'd fall over! If I am walking in the countryside I always have a trekking pole - it just makes me feel a bit more secure. I am presuming you are not a fragile old lady so try not to let it become an obsession - and how often do you actually see people fall over in the street (except after a heavy Friday/Saturday night!). Take care x

16-11-10, 21:29
Hi, I don't know about the trainers, I wear them but find them really bad on ice at this time of the year. Last year or earlier this year too should I say in the really bad weather, the only thing that would hold my feet were these leather hiker style boots called Scarpa, they are really expensive new, not much change out of £100, but I managed to get mine from a Charity Shop brand new for £15. I hope this helps!

17-11-10, 09:09
Good point about getting some decent shoes with good grips on the bottom. I've had to do this for most of my life as I was badly injured in a motorbike crash when I was 17 and it's left me with a weak leg. I have to be careful about taking falls as I could do it more damage, so am always a bit worried about slipping over.

17-11-10, 09:55
hi Tweetie, aww big hugs, what you need is to lose the association of the memory of falling.
I fell over and broke my leg when i was younger and i devolped a fear of walking.
It's the memory of falling that fills us with fear, so when walking we associate and anticipate the fear of falling.
C.b.t or counselling can really help to overcome losing the fear and the association of falling
Best wishes xx

17-11-10, 11:37
aw you had a phobia of walking? thats the saddest thing :-( I'm glad your ok now!!
yeah the memory, you know dogs after they break a leg might never use it again even though it's healed! so memory can be a powerful thing.

my mum is afraid of falling due to her balance, she puts socks over her shoes in frosty weather and it seems to help her.

17-11-10, 14:10
yep the memory can be a powerful thing, my leg was in plaster for ages and it took me a few months to overcome the fear of falling and walking. But whenever i have random dizziness, i fear falling still, but i guess that anyone would if you were feeling dizzy.