View Full Version : ventricular tachycardia

16-11-10, 20:36
I think this is what my ECG showed up earlier, I'm sure I saw it on the sheet, the net says this is HIGHLY dangerous and can lead to sudden death :ohmy: I'm utterly terrified. The nurse said I was tachycardic because I was so anxious and the next two ecgs were normal and my heart rate slowed down but am I going to die?! She said over and over again that I was fine but what if she made a mistake?! I'm so scared, I have had two sleepless nights now and I'm now looking at a third :ohmy:

16-11-10, 20:50
unless maybe I read it wrong? It says all over the net that if this showed up you'd be rushed off to hospital?

16-11-10, 20:52
my mum is shouting at me saying I do this for attention and enjoy it, she shouted at me when I said I got panicky in the surgery and said it's ridiculous behaviour, what do I do

16-11-10, 20:56
Probably said tachycardic, almost everyone who's had an ecg will have had this result at one point! don't worry if you had something dangerously wrong they wouldn't have sent you home. also remember google isn't the most reliable source. x

16-11-10, 20:59
calm down, your heart is fine hun and your mother doesn't mean it. they would have picked anything dangerous up. sorry for slow replies i'm on the internet via a games console lol, x

16-11-10, 21:00
daisy cake. im sure your fine!! was your heart rate high then!??? my mum says EXACTLY the same, when i go on at her. Also DONT google, my dr says its all rubbish what you read on there!!! xxx chill babe xxxx

16-11-10, 21:04
Hi there

Well, tachycardia just means "fast heartbeat". However, there is another condition that pops up at times called supraventricular tachycardia (or SVTs). It used to be called paroxysmal tachycardia, and it can happen randomly to healthy people who have nothing wrong with their heart at all. I have had a couple of bouts of this and I can honestly say it absolutely frightened the crap out of me at the time.

It may be that this is what they were referring to. How about making an appointment with your GP to see if he can get access to the information that was recorded on the ECG?

16-11-10, 21:08
I'm seeing her (my GP) next Tues but might phone her in the morning.. I'm so worried. I hope I read the sheet wrong, and that it is supraventricular. It does say on every website if you showed this on an ecg you'd be rushed to hospital and I suppose that I wouldn't have been allowed home if they thought I was ill? The nurse said it was only the first one that was abnormal and the next two were fine so hopefully I will be OK.

16-11-10, 21:10
It was at 116bpm but I got it down to 84.

16-11-10, 21:15
So will I be OK to go to sleep tonight do you think?

16-11-10, 21:19
Yea definatley. If there was anything at all wrong or your heart was dangerously high they wouldn't/couldn't send you home. Your hearts fine! x

16-11-10, 21:31
Absolutely - as previously said there is no way you would have been allowed to leave if there was anything in the slightest bit wrong.

Try to relax and get a good night's sleep - you will be fine.


16-11-10, 21:35
The thing is, if you were at all in any danger or the doctor was concerned, no way would you have been sent home.

On one occasion when I was in A and E, the nurse informed the doctor that I was a sufferer or suffering Tachycardia (to my surprise) as was written on my medical history. When I was informed that it was just a fast or irregular heartbeat it didn't bother me too much.

As anxiety suffereres our heartbeats are probably fast most of the time, or at least mine is. I was standing still the other day and was aware how fast my heart was beaten.

As far a Google is concerned, I think that you could probably look up runny nose and it would say that death is imminent!!!!!
Stay away from Googling your symptoms at all cost.

Your heartrate will increase and decrease all the time during you moving about. Even when you get up after sitting it will pump faster because it's meant to.

On a lighter note, just think of us as being supercharged!!

16-11-10, 21:59
You will be fine. If there was an issue, you'd be in the hospital. You're not a doctor, you're not even sure what you read. :) Try and relax.

16-11-10, 22:11
116bpm is nothing at all to worry about - you can go up to 160bpm and they still don't worry its only over that and for a sustained length of time that they would want to do something.

Are you sure it didn't say sinus tachycardia which is just a heartbeat over 100bpm and compeltely harmless unless it gets up to the 200bpm mark.

I have had endless 24hr ecg becasue I have ectopic heartbeats and when I am anxious my heartbeat goes up to 145bpm and they say its just sinus tachycardia and fine.

16-11-10, 22:35
Awww thank you all :) :hugs:I have calmed down now, given my mum a hug, trying very hard to trust the nurse/doctor xx

16-11-10, 23:16
Yes, you will be fine. When I have had panic attacks, my heart rate goes up into the 160's. 116 with anxiety is fine.

17-11-10, 15:22
OK I just got a skipped beat or three while laughing, I'm now lightheaded and dizzy, my mum's saying it's quite normal but I feel as if I'm being pushed forward now what do I do?

17-11-10, 15:28
I'm now worried about going into ventricular fibrilation and dying, and noone taking me seriously :( how likley is that?

17-11-10, 15:30
I get missed beats when I'm laughing and it makes me go dizzy and panicky too. It's even made me pretty scared to laugh! But yea, you're mum is right it's normal. Since you had 2 normal ECGs yesterday, the chances of you going into ventricular fibrilation and dying are very unlikely. :) xx

17-11-10, 15:33
Thank you. I'm glad I'm not alone with this, not that I like the idea of you worrying too but it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one with these thoughts, thank you :) I'm sure you're right :) I haven't had a lot to drink either today - and a hell of a lot of sugar (cheesecake, chocolate milk, muffin and a whole bag of sweets - gawd what a pig!) so I guess that too has an effect. Cant wait to see my gp on tues so she can calm me down lol xx

17-11-10, 15:35
Dehydration causes missed beats a lot and when I've had lots of sweet stuff my heart starts jumping round horribly. Missed bests every 4-5 beats so horrible!

Go get a big glass of water and try push it out your head cuz thinking about them only brings on more unfortunatley! xx

17-11-10, 15:41
Yeah will do that :) I know, it's making them horrible. Managed to get some sleep last night thank goodness. I never drink enough, I only have say 2 glasses or 2 cans a day if that. And even that is usually fizzy juice or milkshakes... Not good haha! My dr said it is no wonder I never feel great - I don't sleep, Im too scared to exercise, and I don't drink hardly any!.. Did try a glass just now, felt funny drinking it like I couldn't breathe but sure I am OK. I guess my GP would have seen my ecgs by now and if she were worried would have called!

17-11-10, 15:45
Yep she would have! Yea really try to drink more. If you don't like water jus drink squash that doesn't have aspartame in it cuz that can bring them on too.

I was scared to exercise too til Friday last week and I just went for it! Gonna be honest I feel 1000 times worse for it at the moment but these things take time I guess lol. You're fine just on edge cuz of the missed beats. They're scary as hell but harmless! xx

17-11-10, 15:52
Yeah I saw one of your earlier threads :) you sound like you're doing really well, good for you :) I'm pondering over phoning my surgery and asking to speak to my doctor but my mum will flip!! haha. I suppose I should be praising me too as I went out to the shops in the city today and even sat in a cafe without any major issues, which I've only managed twice since I think September now LOL but at least I did it.. Feel daft being nineteen and struggling to go shopping and things but guess that's the way things go!

17-11-10, 16:02
I still feel like I can't breathe :weep: trying to write an essay but my chest is so tight and sore it's unbelievable.

17-11-10, 16:12
Hm I rang my surgery and the receptionist tried to calm me down and said "honest, if she (my gp) needed to see you, or thought something was badly wrong, she'd be phoning you, we don't take these issues lightly" LOL that's me told haha

17-11-10, 20:21
Sorry had to log out earlier hun, how are you feeling now? Receptionist was right it's a good sign your doctor hasn't rung :) xx

17-11-10, 20:32
Hiya Daisy - last year i got a racing heart whenever i went up the stairs or got up from sitting down, i had a 24 hour ecg and it showed that i had 'superventricular tachycardia (SVT)' but i had an echo and i was fine.

I still convince myself that somethings wrong with my chest/heart, although i havent had the SVT for over a year now, and it was cured with no medication.. apparently it was due to my stress and anxiety.

I constantly feel like i cant breathe right and i get light headed in cafes or going out in general. I think it would really help if i started to exercise more but it doesnt help that i had my first panic attack in a P.E lesson at school when i was 16!!

Anyway hello and nice to meet you :)

17-11-10, 20:33
Not too bad thanks, actually feel reassured after speaking to the receptionist, looking forward to seeing my gp next week so she can explain everything... she said if I was in any danger at all they'd not have sent me home, or they'd have at least rung me by now! No news is good news and all that... I found a website too that says they can be aggravated by stress, or anything particularly exciting or anxiety provoking (eg sex - as i was so worried about!) so I think I'm hopefully, touch wood, God willing, normal! Still got hellish heartburn (keep bringing up me tea!) but going away to find some gaviscon and a cold glass of milk! Got other issues going on with regards to friends at the moment, which probaby isnt helping, haven't spoken to or seen them in a year after falling out - unfortunately before falling out we'd arranged to go to the theatre, been dreading it, but Friday is the night we are meant to be going... Definitely NOT going as like I said haven't spoken to them in a year! Was just getting abuse from them, and when I stood up for me they didn't like it and told me where to go.. So really can't face it, but haven't told them that yet! Still, at least it will be sorted soon.. Ah well. Hows you xxx

17-11-10, 20:35
Hi Laura :) nice to meet you too :) sounds exactly the same symptoms as me! Not sure what kind of tachycardia it was but presumably it wasnt immediately serious otherwise they'd have said I hope :) glad your echo went OK xx

17-11-10, 20:42
wow! they don't sound likely very nice people better off without them.

everything seems to give me funny heart beats lately. i've had them a few times when i've had sex recently too and after i exercise scares me a lot but guess im just prone to ectopics! :(

glad your feeling better now :) x

20-11-10, 22:12
since writing that my heart has gone all fluttery and racing like it did when i had my svt episode last year :( now im scared again! xx

20-11-10, 22:13
and it happens when i sit down sometimes or stand up.. usually goes if i cough and try to breath but damn its so scary! :( xx

21-11-10, 18:07
:scared15:hi laura i had this for many years thought it was panic attacks but it was svts basically your electrical currents in the heart make a path way and a fast beat starts normally due to missed beat and it continues in this electrical current which just keeps going round and round . no one believed me about how bad i felt my whole body shaked with the force of the heartbeats and the vein in my neck visablely pulsated i had many ecgs moinitors etc all of which didnt catch it happening , hence why it went on 10 years, one night i had a bad attack that lasted over an hour and my hubby called 999 the ambulance crew put me on a ecg and my heart beat was 230!!! they recorded the ecg and gave me a copy because they had actually captured what was going on.. i was given oxygen and taken to hospital were i was given a nasty injection which basically stops and restarts your heart!!! this happenened 4 times 999 etc then i had an ablation last year were they burned away the tissuer in the heart causing the problems.. i was awake for the procedure and watched it on a monitor they kicked off my heart to find the spot which was causing the svts and the consultant said it truly was "the real deal"!!!! anyways it was fine and best thing i ever did if in this situation i say deffo get it done. you have no control of svts they just happen any place any time and are a major worry when you already suffer anxiety its something you dont need... oh and i was told by 3 consultants it couldnt kill you i had lots of them for hours sometimes and was ok so try stay calm. when you have an attack blow into a shringe as hard as you can and also massage the vein in your neck or bare down like when having a poo..(sorry) just some tips medics gave me that sometimes work xxx