View Full Version : Am i alone with my symptoms?

16-11-10, 21:31
I never read about anybody suffering with anxiety the way that i do. I know anxiety affects people in different ways but i don't get the usual symptoms.
I don't get palpitations, it doesn't make me sweat and i don't get a dry mouth.
I just wake up in the morning with this fear hanging over me, I'm always lightheaded which becomes worse when I'm out and I'm very stiff all the time.
The worse i feel the more the world seems unreal and i become detached from everything and everyone.
Its probably more disassociation that i feel but i don't hear people say that they have this without the normal anxiety symptoms.
Is it just me.

Going home
16-11-10, 21:45
This sounds like it could be a low oestrogen problem to be honest...have you had your levels checked at all? If it is down to hormone levels, low levels of this hormone, together with the natural low blood sugar levels that we all get during the night can often give these feelings in the morning, and yes 'dread' is actually one of these feelings. Ive also suffered with the spaced out feeling for some time too, though not with depersonilisation. If it could be peri-menopause problems there is a great book about it all, about stuff that nobody seems to tell us about and as soon as I find the title i'll send it to you....did i mention memory problems too lol!

Anna xx :)

16-11-10, 21:48
Don't worry we are all different and anxiety affects us in different ways.

Personally, there are a lot of symptoms I don't suffer such as the dizziness, dry mouth and quite a few others. There again, I do suffer from things that other people don't.

I think that during our lifetime our symptoms can change as well. It's a known fact in Psychology that something can happen called Symptom Substitution whereby one symptom will disappear and the sufferer believes they have conquered their illness, only to discover another one starts up some weeks later! However, this doesn't affect everyone.

Most of the time your problem can be related to muscular tension causing the stiffness. The problem with disassociation is very common.

16-11-10, 21:56
Thanks Anna, all my tests are normal.
I know i am probably reaching the menopause but ive go no symptoms of it yet. I snack in the night if i cant sleep, it makes no difference when i wake up.
Ive had these feelings for most of my life and i did suffer with panic attacks for 10 years.

16-11-10, 22:00
Don't worry we are all different and anxiety affects us in different ways.

Personally, there are a lot of symptoms I don't suffer such as the dizziness, dry mouth and quite a few others. There again, I do suffer from things that other people don't.

I think that during our lifetime our symptoms can change as well. It's a known fact in Psychology that something can happen called Symptom Substitution whereby one symptom will disappear and the sufferer believes they have conquered their illness, only to discover another one starts up some weeks later! However, this doesn't affect everyone.

Most of the time your problem can be related to muscular tension causing the stiffness. The problem with disassociation is very common.
Thanks for the reply......you are right my symptoms have changed. Years ago it was PA, before that it was trouble breathing......i just think my bodies knackered.

17-11-10, 07:31
I never read about anybody suffering with anxiety the way that i do. I know anxiety affects people in different ways but i don't get the usual symptoms.
I don't get palpitations, it doesn't make me sweat and i don't get a dry mouth.
I just wake up in the morning with this fear hanging over me, I'm always lightheaded which becomes worse when I'm out and I'm very stiff all the time.
The worse i feel the more the world seems unreal and i become detached from everything and everyone.
Its probably more disassociation that i feel but i don't hear people say that they have this without the normal anxiety symptoms.
Is it just me.

THIS is exactly how i feel at the moment! i no longer get panic attack symptoms just a constant feeling of stress. just feel very tense and stiff. lots of aches and pains from the tension in my back , neck and head. i also have the lightheaded feeing and cant really think straight.i am hoping maybe this is all part of recovery since there are no panic attacks anymore but the body and mind are still trying to protect us by tensing up in the event of it happening? xx

17-11-10, 08:46
I never read about anybody suffering with anxiety the way that i do. I know anxiety affects people in different ways but i don't get the usual symptoms.
I don't get palpitations, it doesn't make me sweat and i don't get a dry mouth.
I just wake up in the morning with this fear hanging over me, I'm always lightheaded which becomes worse when I'm out and I'm very stiff all the time.
The worse i feel the more the world seems unreal and i become detached from everything and everyone.
Its probably more disassociation that i feel but i don't hear people say that they have this without the normal anxiety symptoms.
Is it just me.

Sound exactly like me and im only 25 so it's not age related.

Mine started with panic attacks, then anxiety attacks now it's full on dissassociation and weird thoughts. I don't suffer much physically. The odd tense moment where I'll feel intense fear and heat but not for long.

You're not alone with this one!

17-11-10, 09:49
Hi Baileys

I dont get the palpatations either. My main symptoms is the light headedness. When i go out the world doesnt seem real and neither do i.

I never used to get these symtpoms when i first had the anx and i never had the panic attacks. i used to get the chest pains and upper back pains and would rather get that than what im going through now

mandie x

17-11-10, 11:52
Hi there! I am exactly the same. I don't get palpatations, but feel dizzy and depersonalised. My symptoms have changed aswell. I used to have really bad health anxiety which changed into more mental symptoms of not feeling like myself and detached from everything. I am now starting to get physical symptoms again like a pressure on my forehead. It's hard to believe anxiety causes all this isn't it?! x

17-11-10, 18:34
Thanks to everyone that replied to me, I went to work today wondering if it was just me that felt this way so reading your replies now makes me feel better.
My therapist assures me that it is a form of anxiety, although i do believe him...... most of the time anyway......i still doubt him sometimes which make me not want to do the things he advices me to do.
For me its not the type of anxiety that is easy to work with as its not a case of facing the fear. I don't feel that i fear anything in particular just life in general.

17-11-10, 18:56
Hi there! I am exactly the same. I don't get palpatations, but feel dizzy and depersonalised. My symptoms have changed aswell. I used to have really bad health anxiety which changed into more mental symptoms of not feeling like myself and detached from everything. I am now starting to get physical symptoms again like a pressure on my forehead. It's hard to believe anxiety causes all this isn't it?! x

This is me too.

18-11-10, 02:24
I can totally relate to you baileys. I don't fear particular things just life and being human and like you I wonder if it's really anx

18-11-10, 13:34
It's not just you. I can stay awake all night, worrying frantically about the next day. I wake up like my life is about to end. I guess anxiety is different to all of us, what you're feeling isn't odd, its just how it effects you. I go all hot, get a headache, start walking in circles (I don't know where this one came from!) and have just got to leave the situation i'm in. I don't care how I get out, I've just GOT to get out. The pressure in your forehead, I kind of feel that, its hard to explain. I get the feeling similar to the one you get when you jump into a swimming pool and water goes straight up your nose. It's quite painful, but goes away after a few minutes.

18-11-10, 13:47
Good to read other people's symptoms and know that I'm not dying or going mad:)
My symptoms have changed over the years too - from full on and almost constant panic attacks through dizzy spells, IBS etc and now this year it's my head - a feeling of pressure that I was almost convinced was sinusitis but it isn't, it's just anxiety - but it's not imagined, it's very real. I have been feeling like I'm coming down with flu for about 5 months now. It comes and goes and the severity depends on my moods and the level of my anxiety. I can't find any info about it anywhere.

18-11-10, 13:57
I have very similar "symptoms" like yours.
