View Full Version : Anyone else have/get this??

16-11-10, 22:13
I have almost constant feelings of:


in my forearms!?!!!

My hands also go very weak and sort of heavy. This cannot be tension as it comes on so quickly and lasts ages :(

16-11-10, 22:16
ive been referred to a Neurologist due to other symptoms ive got such as burning under the skin, crawling and prickling, pain in fingers and muscles, twitching all over... but guna be many weeks b4 i see him.... any ideas? IM SO WORRIED :(

16-11-10, 22:17
Im thinking MND or MS.. :( i can literally feel myself getting weaker..

plus ive got these lymph nodes up in neck and groin that still havent gone down, after 8 weeks, and are rly hard now :( seeing doc about them on 25th to get more blood tests....im thinking cancer :(

16-11-10, 23:16
I have all of those symptoms hun x

16-11-10, 23:26
anyone else suffer badly with their hands/forearms?? x

17-11-10, 03:59
I suffer from those in my hands, but It's due to how much i use the computer!
how weak are your arms? if you can lift them above your head then thats a pretty good sign, i feel weak a lot, sometimes my legs and arms shake due to them being that weak!
i get buzzing sensations up my legs and arms, sometimes my thumb twitches, so does my face and toes,
i have fallen arches so my feet , knees and back often ache.

but if your symptoms to you are new or really bother you then it's good your going to see your doctor!

17-11-10, 11:05
I get this kind of thing - I have had buzzing in my feet for 5 years now - I noticed it when I got the flu 5 years ago and the feeling seems to be worse when I'm getting a cold or virus - said this to the doctor a few years ago and she just smiled politely! My arms and hands are playing up this time with a feeling of weakness and burning and my grip is definitely getting slacker - I have found putting my hands in a prayer position and lifting my arms above my head and down again slowly to be quite helpful - it hurts the first time and then gets easier - there are so many viruses out there at this time of year - it takes 2 weeks for me to see a doctor due to the queue of ill people, so although it may appear everyone on the street is super healthy a lot of them are feeling just like us. I told my doctor about all my symptoms and I am told to do yoga and meditate every time (this is a theme that has been going on for many years!!) so I am sure like me you will be just fine - I have found meditation to be an almost miraculous cure if you are determined - I have all the same sort of symptoms now but I have a strange sense of calmness about it all - it's great! Take care and good luck with the testsx