View Full Version : Do I just hate myself?

Eva May
16-11-10, 22:47
I have self hypnosis techniques, a mindfulness cd recommended from another thread and loads of supplements. I haven't used any of them. My therapist says meditation would be so helpful for me and I can't seem to do it. I can feel my boyfriend slowly losing patience with me and it's not because of my panic attacks and agoraphobia but its because I don't seem to be trying to help myself and not even that is giving me a kick up the ass. So what the hell is wrong with me? :weep:

16-11-10, 23:01
What do you think is stopping you? Depression, lack of motivation? Sometimes you just need to do it whether you want to or not, and once you start, it goes smoother.

17-11-10, 01:28
It's hard to make the first step into trying. I think panic makes us demotivated cuz we're so on edge all the time! I had to write a list with a deadline to get myself motivated again! Works for me cuz when I've writed( writ? sp? ;s) a list I always HAVE to do it. IDK why lol.

Just set a goal and say to yourself you're gonna get it started by that day, then continue it! Maybe just try the easy ones first and start taking your supplements and then take it from there. I started Omega 3 on Monday! x

17-11-10, 02:35
Knowledge and the right techniques help but so do love, comfort, patience, understanding and support to give you the motivation to use what you've learnt.:hugs:

17-11-10, 07:24
depression and avoidance?
you know what you have to do, but doing it brings on anxiety so you do nothing in order to avoid anxiety.
depression takes away your motivation, you think whats the point, or i'll do it tomorrow.
you need to make a goal and stick to it.
even little things such as going for a 5 minute walk every day.
when my depression was very bad, I made little goals, I started off with cleaning my room every Sunday and worked up from there.

17-11-10, 09:17
What mishel's saying is very true - you have to set yourself goals, even if they're only little ones to start off with. Otherwise you end up being anxious about getting anxious, which really is the road to nowhere. Before you do something, think "what's the worst that can happen?" - in a lot of cases, even the worst thing that can happen isn't actually a big deal.

Eva May
18-11-10, 23:01
So baby steps. I'm in such a hurry for everything I didn't think of that :D Thanks everyone

20-11-10, 01:22
i just wrote a big post about this in the General Anxiety forum.

I am a big believe of the fact that a lot of us know what to do and simply don't do it enough or at all. This happens to everyone so don't worry.

What you should do is start very very small and set a very achievable goal, don't ever set goals like "i'll be rid of my anxiety" instead set goals like "i will practice meditation every day for 5 minutes" a much more reasonable and achievable goal.

It's hard to just do stuff that you never did before and that seem useless, just sitting there breathing...right? But believe me it helps, you have to JUST DO IT. If you can't do 5 minutes then do 3 minutes, if you can't do that then do a minute, just do something...at least start.

There is a big difference between reading self-help books and actually applying the techniques and I don't think a lot of people "DO" they just "think".