View Full Version : Vertigo and anxiety

16-03-06, 19:22
Does anyone else get vertigo symptoms? I keep feeling like my head is spinning or the room is rotating but it only lasts for a couple of seconds. Is this an anxiety related thing?

16-03-06, 19:58
I am so glad someone else feels like this. This is the main symptom I am now left with. Do you feel like this even when you are not anxious? My GP says its tension as I hold all the tension in my neck and back. Do you feel when you turn your head you feel lightheaded and its lasts a few moments? I find difficulty in crossing the road and even bending down can cause it. Also if I turn in my bed I can also get it. It is horrible and it does worry me but ive had it for so long now.

........life is for living not just for surviving

16-03-06, 20:16
hi there yes i get this too .my doc says it something too do with your ears .they seeminly can be affected by your anxiety and become tense inside.also ofcourse it can come from your neck.i get it bad somtimes in the morning.it is frightening but nothing serious. take care marciaxx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

16-03-06, 21:02
Yes darkangel I know exactly how you feel, I was sat on a table at work talking to a colleague and had to grab hold of the table as I thought I was falling off!

16-03-06, 22:23
Hi everyone... I have suffered with this for the last 2 years and it is distinctly different from the anxiety type dizziness I get, it is as if the room moves and I have been really bad with it. I got referred to audiology and diagnosed with vertigo (bppv) which is little particles in the wrong place in the inner ear. I had an Epley maneouvre (non invasive - just move your head in a specific set of positions) and it settled it down for months, but unfortunately comes and goes now. It is very common in older people, but pretty common in young people too and although frightening not at all dangerous. Vertigo/labrynthitis can also be viral, or caused by something called meuniere's disease. None of them are anything to be frightened and surprisingly you do get used to it if it's not too bad. Sometimes if I have it very badly it is distressing but it always passes again.

I also suffer from dizziness from anxiety which is sort of swimmy and I believe is because of the level of oxygen in your blood usually caused by taking short breaths. Tension in the back of the neck can also reduce the flow of oxygen and cause dizziness.

It is very very common for anxious and non anxious people alike! Well after all the world is going round in circles!

Hope that helps!!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

17-03-06, 17:19
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Yes darkangel I know exactly how you feel, I was sat on a table at work talking to a colleague and had to grab hold of the table as I thought I was falling off!

<div align="right">Originally posted by devon_guy - 16 March 2006 : 21:02:38</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I'm like this a lot of the time. When I'm sitting on a chair I hold on to the edges because I feel like I'm going to fall off it. I also like to hold onto someone if I am out as I feel like I'm going to fall to one side, I also like to be close to something I can hold onto wherever I am as I feel like I'm falling over. Have been checked out at the doctors and he said its all down to anxiety.


17-03-06, 19:10

I know what you mean - I don't actually get vertigo, but I when I turn round in the car to look at my daughter my head feels funny - I assume it is to do with balance. I am the same in the kitchen and if I bend down - I feel really heady and unbalanced. I was glad to hear that neck tension plays a part as I thought I had something really wrong with me. The other thing that seems to happen to me at the mo is I keep feeling clumsy like catching my leg on things if I walk past them or my arm - anyone else experienced this?


18-03-06, 08:42
I have symptoms similiar to this... but i feel like i get really heavy as well as feeling like my head is spinning... It hasnt happened in awhile though

18-03-06, 20:17
It is the bain of my life, but Betahistine Hydrochloride tablets help, they kick in after 4-5 days and you have to take them with a meal or they dont work

Anxiety Is Evil

16-09-11, 08:31
hi dear plz help me in anxiety

me first is that my english is not gud so try to understand plz

i have anxiety panic disorder

but now a days i get vertigo

how suddenly one shock comes in my mind then i get vertigo nd also dis balance nd weakness heart goes fast feel vomiting because of vertigo its comes suddenly during work or watching tv talking on phone

plz help me im not getting answer of this problem doctors say's this is anxiety so plz help me

16-09-11, 12:05
Sandra I am the same as you with the holding on to things
I have had the vertigo on and off for almost 25 years now.
Some weeks are bad some better but I am always some what dizzy and feel like I fall to the left side a lot.
I used to go out and it helped to hold on to my husband but now he has died I can not go out of the house at all on my own

02-10-11, 19:20
Abid ~ it's good you've come here, there are a lot of caring people here who have the same symptoms as you do, myself as well. This is just awful, I know how you feel. You spoke of how suddenly one "shock" comes into your mind, then you get the vertigo ... you must mean that suddenly you have a fearful and anxious thought, and then the vertigo starts ... yes, well, that's not uncommon...I get that too. Yes, this can also happen anywhere, anytime....while on the phone or watching t.v.....that's what's so horrible about this, it can happen at anytime! Amid, you are not alone in this .... just keep coming to this site, and you will feel better, you'll see other people in the same situation as you ....

04-10-11, 14:51
It is reassuring to hear that I am not the only one suffering with dizzy symptoms. I feel lightheaded for most of the day and every now and then the room will suddenly spin. Only for a few seconds but this is enough to make me so tense for days at a time. I also get that head rush sensation when I stand up and feel like I may pass out. I can not leave the house alone now and spend most days in a panic fearing that there is something seriously wrong with me. I feel so depressed.

04-10-11, 16:31
Hi Devon Guy

I think Fee described this perfectly. I get this too a lot of the time and am now convinced that the vertigo is definintely a vestibular disorder rather than anxiety but of course it produces anxiety because it's so horrible. You really need to see a balance specialist who is called a neuro otologist to get properly diagnosed and then you usually get special physio treatment in the form of exercises to help your brain compensate for the fault in the vestibular system. Don't know if I'm explaining this very well but the symptoms are so familiar to me too, I hate it with a vengeance! Good luck with it everyone.


04-10-11, 19:03
Yes i too have vertigo symptoms I can feel the movement as well as see movement like my vision is rocking.
Please note that new studies show that the inner ear has alot of control of the Anxiety levels our bodys suffer with.
This all started for me with a realy bad Inner ear infection and sinus infection.

05-10-11, 22:46
Same symptoms for me here as well. I get alot of dizzyness everynow and agan sometimes lasting several days. I've been told as well as my anxiety it could be caused by the fact I wear hearing aids as am quite deaf. Its a horrible, spinny, light headed feeling and I sometimes have to hold onto things too. Just wanted you all to know you not alone and its quite comman xxxx

06-10-11, 00:45
Yes. Same here. I read an article by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that there is a link to some kind of inner ear problem and agoraphobia sufferers. I think that could be true, I suffer from agoraphobia and my balance is awful! If I walk along the street and turn my head to look behind me I'm all over the place!! People probably think I'm drunk!

Also, some SSRI's can cause dizziness if you turn your head too fast. I used to get it when I was on Seroxat. For example, if turning my head whilst reversing when driving, just got used to it eventually.

06-10-11, 07:22
I'm like this a lot of the time. When I'm sitting on a chair I hold on to the edges because I feel like I'm going to fall off it. I also like to hold onto someone if I am out as I feel like I'm going to fall to one side, I also like to be close to something I can hold onto wherever I am as I feel like I'm falling over. Have been checked out at the doctors and he said its all down to anxiety.

:ohmy: After 8 years somebody who has described my symptom to a tee I am worst on the bus when it stops i have to grab the seat. :ohmy:

08-10-11, 20:58
so is it anxiety some time my heart goes stuck during beating nd that time i feel difficulty of taking breath nd also pain in chest always have pain in heart area i asked to doctors they said its a gastric problem nd also anxiety im not understanding im vey young i have these problem from 4 years nd im alot of woried about it i cant go for work cant go some where for enjoying i have taken many medican like fluxitine esctiploram but same problems comes after some time so plz help me what happening with me

one thing i want to share with u i use to drink alot nd i got problem of liver joindace then problems of smotches ulcer after 4 year now im getting problems about anxiety some time i think that because of drinking i have diesseas of heart im not understanding

is this anxiety?

my english is not gud so plz dont mind just need help for me nd my faimly

16-10-11, 20:12
no one is replying plz help me

i feel fever in my body feel like a feverish so plz tell this is anxiety?

03-01-12, 13:30
I get the vertigo as well my GP just says it's anxiety. It's horrible.