View Full Version : Pregnancy ocd draining me!

17-11-10, 04:07
Hey so I have OCD in many form this one is my worse one and it's making me feel cuckoo!

I have only just started to have sex with my boyfriend I have ovary disease and need help if I wish to get pregnant anyway..Latley my OCD has latched on to this and now IM HAVING TO have sex with my boyfriend loads just incase I get pregnant.I will test over and over again sit on yahoo answers all night till like 6am asking questions.

Then I feel like im tricking my boyfriend in to making me preg its all really distressing for me today I hade a hige P/A and i keep getting them ocd Questions like 'omg im tricking him into it'
'Im going crazy'
'Ooo good he's coming round a chance to get preg'

Please help how I can get over this!?I cant enjoy sex as im very fixated on getting pregnant almost but not in a way of wanting to be preg.

04-12-10, 20:33
Hi Katie - have you discussed this with your boyfriend?
Perhaps the two of you can sit down and try to work through the anxiety by being open and working through the issues you are having?
My wife has OCD and although on medication, when we were trying for our first child I feel she kept a lot of this to herself. It was only once she did fall pregnant that I found out an awful lot more than I already knew. I still feel if she could have opened up (difficult I know) that I could have helped more.

Obviously it sounds like you really don't actually want to get pregnant, but maybe but opening up (if you have not already) you will at least release some of the guilt - which in turn may help with the obsessive thoughts you are currently having.

Good luck

17-12-11, 00:19
aha obbsessed about being pregnant then I did end up pregnant cuckoo!