View Full Version : Was doing so well then.......

17-11-10, 07:19
Oh god I just wish this would go away I am in complete total an utter panic mode :( I bloody hate it! I really do I was doing so well with cbt and I had a good few weeks with no anxiety at all then one thing goes wrong and bang I'm back where I started :(

I had a sickness bug a week ago a really violent horrid bug and since then I've been left with what the doctors are treating as acid reflux and I've been given lansopazole to help! But I can't stop thinking it's my heart every pain every skipped beat every body flush sends me into a complete panic I'm terrified! An I'm sick of it all I'm nauseous no appetite bad reflux (which is getting better) but I'm left with this weird feeling in my chest and I keep getting tummy butterflies!

I'm just so low and fed up I don't know what to do :( do I go back to my gp for reasurrence? Or do I just stick it out and try my best to ignore it! I had a clear ECG a month or so back!

Bloody anxiety sucks :(

Claire xxxx

17-11-10, 11:21
You only had your horrible bug a week ago - think logically, you must realise that it will take a while for your body to recover - there is always that period after an illness which lingers for longer than anyone wants and makes us feel really down - I have heart palpitations all the time - don't forget your stomach (which has been attacked by a virus) is still recovering - it really is just a large muscle and this can twitch and cause fluttering and pain. Be kind to your stomach - if you begin to panic, stop, imagine your stomach feeling sad and try to do everything in your mind to cheer it up - have a party, really feel the emotions of joy - it seems strange or silly at first but just try it - if anything it will distract you from your panic! Hope you feel better soon. X

17-11-10, 12:11
Thankyou so much for that post it made me feel so much better! Sometimes we just can't see what's right in front of us an I hadn't thought of it like that!

Thankyou again xxx