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View Full Version : Embarrasing but sore! ladies please

17-11-10, 08:17
I can't believe I have done this - I have quite long nails and yesterday after I had been to the loo and wiped my finger nail went straight through the toilet paper and shot along just inside my vagina and it was agony - I have got a half inch scratch - it bled slightly for a second and it is very easy to see just slightly inside.

I am now terrified it will get infected as its not in a place I can keep clean so to speak. it is also itching and stinging like mad - I can't exactly shove a plaster on it:D

I thought I would give all you ladies a laugh - hopefully you'll think oh how awful and anyone got any good ideas how to get it to heal quickly and stay infection free.

17-11-10, 08:26
Oh dear lol :) that's happened to me before an I made a right mess down there mine was like a huge graze I didn't do too much with mine I put a little salt in the bath if I remember rightly but it just cleared on it's own hurt like hell when I pee'd tho :)


17-11-10, 08:37
Thanks Claira - good to know I am not the only female who has done this - imagine having to explain to a Dr how you did it they just woulnd't believe you would they!

17-11-10, 09:14
OK. So I'm a man (physically anyway) but I thought I would write and even things up a bit.

I am reminded of the time some years ago when I was suffering an upset stomach and my frequency to the loo didn't even give the toilet seat time to get cold! Needless to say my 'rear end' was glowing like a nuclear reactor!

At the end of a rather busy day in the washroom I decided to risk a long soak in the bath. Everything went reasonably well until I came to get dressed!

Please take into account that in those days I was young and stupid (as oppose to now being old and stupid)! However, I decided that a good application of baby talcum powder to the 'offending area' would be a good idea. Whereupon I first proceeded to administer my aerosol underarm deodorant and then, not realising that my brain was in neutral, inadvertently released a mighty blast of good old 'Brut' deodorant to my already inflammed baboons rear end!!!!

I will refrain from telling you the rest of the story in order to preserve what little dignity I now have left. Needless to say that I can't walk past a display of 'Brut' deodorant in the supermarket anymore without my right eye (and other places) twitching!

Happy days!

17-11-10, 09:24
Ha! There are times when we all need a good laugh. A guy I went to college with admitted to inadvertently scratching his rear end after he'd been chopping chillies to put in a curry. He said it took about half an hour for him to stop doing the highland fling round the bathroom.....

Seriously though, for countrygirl, salt water is supposed to be the best treatment for stuff like this.

17-11-10, 09:47
Thank you horse for the best laugh of today- I just love your descritpion of a babbons rear end.

17-11-10, 09:53
You're welcome.

Mind how you go (so to speak)!

17-11-10, 10:10
Chuckle chuckle!!

Horse I think you ought to do a post every day giving your witty take on one of the myraid of symptoms that you will no doubt experience like the rest of us - your probably thinking xxx that I have much better things to do in my life but you give me such a laugh. :yesyes:

17-11-10, 10:18
Your posts have made me giggle! Im prone to being a bit unlucky with things like this... my boyfriend and I were making a hot curry with scotch bonnets and after dinner proceeded to have a bit of "us" time. Needless to say we were both in a cold bath for the next hour trying to stop the burning.... sorry if I have put anyone off breakfast!xxx

17-11-10, 11:57

Your idea is a good one.

It is something I will consider being as I have such a boring existance.
I am fortunate enough to be able to poke fun at myself and I am always happy to make others laugh if I can. I appreciate that Anxiety as a whole is a thoroughly dreadful infliction upon us and do have a tendency to perhaps 'hide' my suffering behind a mask of humour!

Perhaps the reason is that over the past 43 years of suffering since the death of my father when I was 13, I have probably eventually 'cracked up'
and gone loony!

However, In order to gain humour, I have shed many rivers of tears and had to endure much pain....................which brings me back to the 'Brut' deodorant episode!

May God bless you.