View Full Version : Help!!!

16-03-06, 19:33
Hey People, Im new here

Can someone please help me.

Well i think what has sparked this worry off is that today when i was doing a round collecting money i JOGGED literally 20 meters if that and when i got to the door i was Knackered. I had to take loads deep breaths.

Now i dont know what this is.

Im going to the docs about this tomorrow

PLEASE Tell me if this is Anxiety.

1) Feeling out of breath nearly all the time. Like for example today. I felt out of breath all the time walking round and tonight when i was doing this round collecting money. But now i dont feel 'out of breath' as such just thinking about it. I always have to take deep breaths aswel. Every 30 secs- 1 min

2) Feeling out of breath jogging 20 meters or so. I Could of been overbreathing before that?

3) Always taking deep breaths all the time

4)Feeling like im going to die through this. Does anyone know if you can die through this?

5) I also have this cough all the time i have to caugh to try and get the 'mucas' out

I hope im ok i mean i can

1) Sleep fine at night i think about breathing before it but then have a good nights sleep and wake up in the morning thinking about breathing again

2)Not think about breathing sometimes. Like i was doing my dt work today (practical) and i did 2 sides of painting on a box (2 mins) then started thinking about it after that but felt breathless and i tried to convince myself that i didnt think about breathing but my mind thought i was if you understand?

Please quash my 'thinking' i think ive got some kind of cancer thats why i feel out of breath.

Im only 16 so it cant be cancer can it?


p.s all the topics ive read on here only seem to get this when they have an attack, i get this all the time :(

16-03-06, 19:50
hi jono

maybe you might have a chest infection there has been a lot of cold viruses around lately. i have had 4 or 5 since october last year.
i think you may need a dose of antibiotics to clear it up.

so dont worry about it being anything serious
take care


16-03-06, 19:54

I get easily out of breathe all the time. I think its because subconsiously we are overbreathing, body may be tense and if our thoughts are focussed on us being out of breathe then it makes it worse. Try and slow down and breathe from your abdomen.

You mention how you are focussing on your breathing - you need to try and distract yourself from that and it will not be so important. You also noticed that when you concentrated on painting it went away. This is a classic anxiety symptom , when we think of a symptom it usually gets worse.

Hopefully your GP will be able to reassure you.

Take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

16-03-06, 20:15

well do you normaly do execise (smuch as in the gym ,long walk ect.)

if you not use to exerciseing yes you will get out of breath very easy and also if you are thinking of it more you will feel out of breath ....

if anyhelp i get out of breath just thinking about it...hehe

but if you feel you need to then go to gP and just get it check out..

16-03-06, 20:19
forgot to say that i feel like this all the time to......

17-03-06, 10:22
My God overbreathing. It's horrible isn't it. I never realise I'm doing it as soon as it starts. It's only when Iget into a real panic that I realise I've probably been doing it for ages.

Shiv x

17-03-06, 20:11
Try this post as well..

Noticing every breathe I take.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6738)
