View Full Version : anyone get symptoms when they feel fine?! help...

17-11-10, 11:34
im only 23 and im so tired or this :( what im struggling most with is i can liteally feel anxiety-free, i sumtimes wonder if i even have anxiety lol, coz i do feel normal and not anxious about anything, only the actual symptoms!¬ So whats causing them in the first place?! Alot of people can pinpoint what they are anxious about when they get symptoms, whereas i cant, unless ive been having physical symptoms beforehand, which i always worry about. Someone said to me i might be worrying about the unknown, or worrying about being worried lol.

I am just so tired and upset of going through all this... I want the physical symptoms to stop..but they keep coming every single day... i go out and do things with my son, i go to college, do housework, feel happy pretty much most of the time, but its the sudden OUT OF NOWHERE symptoms im getting that i just cannot see an end to :(

I overdosed on cocaine last year and i think ive done some sort of damage to my brain or the neurotrasnsmitters...which ive read is possible...and makes it so that u cannot control physical bodily symptoms because of the nerve damage.... i feel sick and since that night ive not even drank any alcohol or smoked one cigaratte (i was a smoker for 7 years). I wasnt a regular taker of it, it was just random, but i took too much and had a huge panic attack (i had never even had one of these before, and it was so intense, to this day i dont think it was a panic attack as i was twitching all night....the next day myt vision was cloudy, and its never changed) Ive had a brain scan (ct not mri) and it was ok but im hoping my neuro im seeing sends me for an mri as i know this shows alot of things a ct cant...

I probably cant get this thought out of my head that im actually fine, wish i could, but i cant seem to shake off the fact that somethings up... i just wanna curl up and die sometimes :(

17-11-10, 12:57
Yep. Your body has to get used to releasing adrenaline normally rather than releasing it innapropriatley and it does take time. Even though you're feeling fine you are stressing about the symptoms you're having lately for atleast a few weeks which will never leave the back of your mind so it keeps popping up and making you feel awful even if you don't realise it. You've got a neuro appointment coming up havn't you? This will be on your mind 24/7 too even if it's not right at the front. You're worried about MS and MND I think which are 2 really big fears. With anxiety it's almost like you wait for the next symptom which are gonna make the fears even more real. Kind of like we expect them so they start to happen which sets us off all over again. You don't mean to, nobody means to but it's why we get symptoms when we're not paticularly anxious.

I can't pinpoint what I'm anxious about when I get my symptoms, I'll jus be sitting laughing with my friends and I'll get a giant missed beat. Or I'll be sitting all chilled out actually happy and smiling and I'll start getting bad chest pains. I never know why I get my symptoms or what I'm worried about to be honest!

I'm sorry your feeling so scared and alone right now, I know how that feels but remember you've come through this once before and you'll come through it again. xx

17-11-10, 13:49
Hiya Crazy

In a way I'm so glad you posted that as I thought it just happened to me.

My blummin annoying symptoms can suddenly appear without warning too even when I'm really happy and relaxed or doing something I enjoy. I can go from being absolutely fine and full of energy to loving life to feeling like absolute c**p within minutes with no apparent reason.

It really really annoyes me too as like you say it's hard to understand why it happens when you don't particularly feel anxious about anything. It would be so much easier if certain triggers set it off so at least we'd know when it was going to happen eh. Don;t know if you are the same but I find myself not going to places or doing things 'just in-case'.

I guess what PokerFace says is true and our bodies just need to get back into sync with what our hearts are telling our minds we really want it to do.... rather than it doing what it 'thinks' we want it to do. (Did that make sense.. probably not but I know what I meant ha ha)

I hope your appointment with the neuro puts your mind at rest and although I have no knowledge of cocaine use I'm sure that the one time you mention would not have caused any lasting damage. It is good you can talk about it though as a lot of people wouldn't do that.

Well done you for stopping smoking and drinking by the .... I wish I could but I don't seem to have the willpower to do it. I lasted half a day with the cigs and one week with the drink and then started again. Pathetic I know :doh:

Take care and I really hope you start to feel better soon x x x :hugs:

26-05-11, 13:32
hya, a similar experiance happened with myself wen i used cociane.. i wasnt an addict but did take it most weekend and one weekend i had a MASSIVE panic attack, i called an ambulance convinced i was dying and that i was having a heart attack due to taking the drug!!! ( it was the first attack i ever had) i put this down to the reason why i feel so anxious and panicky now and this was 3 yrs ago!!!
the anxiety has got better at times n then the symptoms just come out of the blue like u say n give me a shock! i have had therapy once allready 2 yrs ago but it has blown all out of proportion recently and am having some more intense therapy now... hope u find sum peace and u are not on your own in this... much love x