View Full Version : So close to walking out my work, had anxiety and worry since end of 2008 - fed up :(

17-11-10, 12:10
All started when I looked online when I had an itch rash "down there". Stressed myself out one day and since then, I have focused on several illnesses. I see them more in the paper, they are constantly in my dreams, when I look online they're the first thing that come up and generally I am getting to the point where I am thinking about doing some terrible things to myself.

Every problem I have is mouth related. It was ulcers constantly last year, this year it's been a red patch at the side of my tongue (Geographic tongue I have been told) and I see it's related to the worst illnesses you can imagine, as well as coating at the back and general sores in my cheeks.

I can't deal with it now. It's been too long, I can't take in what doctors tell me, I am sure that I have something in me that they can't find and that Google is correct as why else would it be there ?

Anyone else like me able to relate to any of those symptoms ?

I have a serious habit of going online and making myself sick in the toilet at work now for the past 2 years.

No one can help with my mouth problems now. it can't be anxiety.

I don't even know when I've had the red patch either. Noticed it last December properly, if it's been there before, I don't know for how long. I use an inhaler a lot, dunno if it's that, certainly doesn't seem to mention anything about it.

Fed up of constantly feeling bad news is around the corner and always fearing the worst.

I'm 25 and I can't see me living til 30 the way I am

17-11-10, 12:37
Oh hun, you really are stressing yourself! ;(

I saw something yesterday, can't remember what show it was but it had Dr Google on it! They made 3 people go to a real GP and then go to Dr Google (he was a person with a computer infront of him:D), the real GP correctly diagnosed the patients and then Dr Google diagnoised them with diabetes, asthma and I can't remember the other one ;s. These people DID NOT have asthma or diabetes though! Dr Google is a liar!

Right, when I'm really badly stressing, which it sounds like you are, I get mouth ulcers and a dry mouth which leads to a horrible coating on my tounge. I also sometimes get a red lump on my tounge which goes back down in about 2-3 days! I also notice when I'm nervous I chew my lip and even bite my cheek sometimes which gives me ulcers! It very could well be anxiety. Thinking about my mouth now, I've got a sore patch on my inner cheek right now!

Have you tried CBT? It teaches you to change your thinking pattern which REALLY helps the catastrophising habits of health anxiety suffers. Next time you go see your GP you could mention it to him, or you could do what I did and get a book that's based on it and have a little mooch at it. It's a really useful thing and it could really help you. xx

17-11-10, 13:06
The other thing I'd add is that if you're making yourself sick a lot, this is going to make your mouth sore, as it's not designed to be in contact with the stomach acid that comes up when you're sick. This might be causing quite a few of the mouth problems that you're suffering. Have you confided in your GP that you make yourself sick, as that might make a difference to the treatment that you get.