View Full Version : really worried womens problems

17-11-10, 12:25
Hi I came off the pill after 10 years im 32 and suffer from HA really badly.
Since then my periods have been really irregulular. 24, 32, 28, 47, etc- Since 27/9/10 i havent had a period although it was unusally long.
I have also been feeling really hot and cold all the time cold hands and warm in the face and had really smelly wee!
I dont think i could be pregnant and worried it could be something else.
I tried coming off the pill a couple of years ago and whet to see the doctor when my peiod was late and told me not to worry unless i didnt have a period for 6 months.
Any advice please im really struggling.

17-11-10, 13:10
I have a similar problem with my periods being irregular since coming off the pill. I am still waiting on day 32 for mine and they are usually bang on 27. I'm not sure about your other symptoms but do know it can take a few months for you'd periods to settle, especially if you're used to them being regular. If it is the combined pill this can take longer than the pop.

I would however just take a urine sample to your go regarding your smelly wee. They can rule out infection etc straight away.

17-11-10, 13:47
Forgot to say i came off the pill in feb