View Full Version : Hyperventilation syndrome

17-11-10, 13:54
Hi everyone,

I've been having PAs and HA for the last couple of months, some days good, some days (and nights) horrendous!!

I've had a normal ECG in the last month so am able to pretty much ignore the chest and left arm pains. I have a stress test at a cardio unit next week just to make sure everything is ok.

However, just lately, I seem to have been having more frequent bouts of dizziness and feeling faint. It'll often be accompanied by a wave of 'icy heat' passing up my body and then I go all 'whoozy'.

I was at my GPs (again) this morning because I came close to passing out at work and she suggested it might be something called Hyperventilation Syndrome which I hadn't come across before.

Looking at the research on Dr Google, it all seems to make sense, and I was wondering if anyone else had this and had any hints and tips about it.

Many thanks,