View Full Version : Worried & confused about thyroid test results

17-11-10, 14:17
I had a bloodtest on Monday to check my thyroid as I have been getting really burning face.
I have under active thyroid and have been on 100(mg? cant remember if it's mg or mils with Thyroxine).

I have just rang to get my results and the reception is getting the doctor to call me back and explain the results because we don't understand what it means.

She said, One result has come back fine and the other has come back saying, i need a higher dosage subject to complience.

I cant even remember if those were her exact words but she deffianetly said "need hight dosage" and "complience".

What does that mean? I'm really panicking loads again now.

17-11-10, 14:25
Just sounds like you need a higher dose of thyroxine Miss Moose. Compliance just means taking your meds, I think. Hope your doctor can reassure you x

17-11-10, 16:39
not sure why you are panicking lol? i am sure it just means you need a higher dose to maintain your thyroid levels x

17-11-10, 18:23
I will say usual thing first I was advisor for a thryoid charity so did have to learn lots and it just means you need to take more thyroxine and your Dr needs to make sure you are taking the dose he thinks you are! Thyroxine is in mcgs. The reason they need to check compliance as in are you taking the dose your Dr thinks you are is because if you weren't. say you were only taking it every other day instead of every day then if they increased the dose and you took it every day then you would be overdosing - see what I mean.

Your Dr will need to ring you to tell you what dose to take - i take 125mcgs a day.

17-11-10, 18:40
Please don't be worried that the Doctor is calling you back, i don't think Receptionists are allowed to reveal test results.

The "not knowing" is horrid but please don't worry. You will soon be sorted out.

17-11-10, 18:56
They've just started to change the way they view the Thyroxine levels in your blood. i was on 100mcg for 15 years, however on the last blood test I was told my t4 was normal, but my TSH was suppressed. So Ive been given a lower dose of thyroxine.
It's nothing to worry about, its just a new way of looking at your dosage levels.

17-11-10, 19:02
Thank you for your replies, I think i was just panicing because i didnt understand what it mean, and neither did the receptionist.

The doctor said the dose should be fine but my thyroid level wasnt as it should be. It's because my memory is so terrible and i forget to take my tablets, or can't remember if i've taken them or not.
So she said getting one of those tablet boxes with the days on is a good idea so i can keep track of them, and to set an alarm everyday, and then be tested again in 8 weeks.

17-11-10, 22:09
I did wonder if you were not taking your tablets regularly - it really is vital that you don't forget otherwise the results are hard for the Drs to intepret. I have one of those boxes and just fill it up once a week and leave it out in the kitchen so i don't forget to take them at breakfast. did you know its best to take thyroxine first thing with water on an empty stomach.

Going home
17-11-10, 23:47
Hi miss moose

My partner had his thyroid removed about 10 years ago and since then had been taking 150mg thyroxine daily, until last week when a new doctor took his blood and reduced the dose to 100mg. He wasn't having any particular problems on 150mg, but the doctor thought he should try a lower dose anyway. Now we'll see what happens over the next few weeks. I think they just have to get the balance right or something.

Anna xx