View Full Version : Scared again ...

17-11-10, 14:46
I'm having a rough couple of weeks, and it's like every day a new symptom appears that makes me worry even more.

It started with pain in my neck about two weeks ago. A week before that I felt a swollen lymph node in my neck above my collar bone. I had it before in the same place around August, but I'm not sure if it ever went away. It could also be I just stopped feeling if it was still there. Then new swollen lymph nodes appeared, at the other side of my neck, in exactly the same place, and they hurt. Also I got my all so familiar flu like muscle ache all over my body. I got really scared of lymphoma :( Last week I went to my GP and he examined my neck and felt my lymph nodes, saying they were nothing to worry about and that I probably had a mild virus infection. It should be away in two weeks.

Then I got short stabbing pains in my chest, which come and go, and my muscles in upper back and chest feel really tight. It hurts a bit when I press my breast bone. The stabbing pains have been away since yesterday afternoon *knocks on wood* Next to that, I've been feeling breathless, and have to sigh a lot. I can still walk the same amount as before, though. Then a couple of nights ago I started feeling a bit lightheaded (also comes and goes) and one time it felt as if warm water was pooring down my right arm but nothing was there. Now I suddenly have pain in my left leg when I walk up the stairs, I hope it is a muscle.
I'm very scared that I have either a tumour in my spine (which is what my mom died of couple of years ago) or a heart disease...

I'm driving myself insane with these thoughts. Yesterday when I was with my boyfriend I felt fine, except for the neck pain, and today I am constantly worrying again about each new symptom arising.

Do you think I should be worried, or can everything be attributed to anxiety? This stupid worrying is stopping me from enjoying my life; I'm only 28. :(

I forgot to mention that I got a check up with an internal medicine specialist two months ago (because of the vague symptoms I have and have had for years now), who took a chest x-ray and blood/urine test for kidney function, which both came back fine.

17-11-10, 14:54
Hey :)

You maybe have had or have a viral infection your anxiety is making it worse, I know that's the case with me I have a really bad tummy bug and have spent the past 3 days so anxious that I have had every symptom going including every side effect to the medication I am on! My anxiety has made my illness 100% worse! I'm trying not to focus too much on my symptoms!

Hope you feel better soon xx