View Full Version : My achy breaky heart :(

17-11-10, 15:19
hey guys,
having a shocking night tonight, I feel like I can't breathe properly, like I can't get enough air and I have chest pain all through my chest more sort and achy hurts ESP. if I move my arm or leg quickly will sometimes get a skipped beat. this last 3 days been getting lots of chest pain and a fluttery bliping heart which scares me makes me think heart failure even though I've been given the clear on my heart by 5 diffrent drs this year.. 2 in the last month.. I've had so many ecgs this year I've lost count and like 3 last year. last yr I had an ech and saw a cardiologist and they found it in good order only that I'm quote"big" and need to lose weight. I want another echo because I'm worried that I started getting ectopics and palps since then ( went to cardio for chest pains only last year) but drs all agree this is unesscary as this years 24hr holter monitor and endless ecgs have come up fine... even tho my heart feel not normal if anyone can relate. ATM it's the short breath I'm worried about as I'm not hyperventilating... my chest feels tight and I'm getting aching in it mostly in the back I guess. my lungs feel weird I think I'm developing a cough is it possible to have a chest infection that makes lungs heavy and air hungry with out a phelgmy cough? I don't want to go back to the drs or the hospital been so many times this last 2 months too both. I'm trying to tell myself is anxiety but it's so hard to believe it when I feel this way.
also been dizzy/lightheaded for ages dr ordered another ct scan to check for aneyrsms as I was formerly terrified of them she told me when the test comes back negatieve I have to move on from it and except that it's anxiety... it came back negatieve so I accepted there is nothing wrong with my head but now I'm obessed with my heart. I got prescribed beta blockers last week because it's the ectopics n palps that cause anxiety and as I have tachycardia it won't hurt. at least I know as a ambo explained to me that my heart puts it's beats in the right place it just too fast... which is good too know I guess.

I think I've covered everything. please any words are welcome

17-11-10, 15:22
also my bp is 120/67 and pulse is 71 bpm

i'm in bed, is this normal ... do u think it would be different if I was having heart problems or I had a pulmonary embolism in my lungs