View Full Version : Help and problems with propranolol

17-11-10, 17:39

My names Mandy, i'm 22 and I have been suffering with panic and anxiety for about a year now. I don't really know what caused it, but its been a stressful year with family problems. my mum has also suffered with agoraphobia in the past which the doctor seems to think is a factor. Its incredibly upsetting, especially since i used to be very outgoing and confident.

It first started while I was driving. And has now got to the point where it happens everywhere i go. I sweat, i feel faint, dizzy, shaky, tense all the time. All this means I fear leaving the house incase it happens. I panic when i have to speak face to face with people or when i'm in the car stopped at traffic lights. It all feels so silly sometimes. Even at work now (in a busy restaurant) I am constantly tense and anxious and panic when i have to sit in a meeting. I am very squeamish and have fainted in the past when i've cut myself which means i have an extreme fear of fainting, even though i have never yet fainted due to anxiety.

I apologise for how long this post is, it's the first time i've spoke in detail about it to anybody and it feels good to get it all out.

Anyway, i was first prescribed 40mg of propranolol once a day and after several months went back to the doctor for a review of treatment. i discussed that i felt my anxiety had gotten worse not better so he upped my dosage to 80mg a day. I've been taking 80mg every morning for only 5 days now but i had to come home from work today because i felt very ill. I felt very faint and went very hot. after sitting alone in the toilet for 10 minutes and running cold water on my hands i returned to my job but constantly felt ill, cold shivers and very weak, like my legs would just collapse. this lasted over an hour before i had to go home. i didn't know whether this was simply because of the increased dosage? Has anybody else ever had these kind of problems with propranolol?

I worry so much, but I long for the day i can just go about my business again like i used to. I seemed to be scraed and panic about everything which causes more stress and feeling very depressed at the fact i live in my house through fear of leaving it alone.

so sorry this is so long but even just writing it all down has made me feel better.

Thanks :) xx

17-11-10, 17:43
Hi smurf

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-11-10, 19:15
I am also new to the website, your situation sounds very similiar to mine - I have all the same symptoms and have been suffering with anxiety for the last 5 months, I have the same feelings when I am out or talking to people: dizzy, hot, shaky legs ect and feel like I am going to pass out, I think my main fear is fainting and that is why I fear going out or being in public incase I faint.
I was doing good a couple of months ago but I have went back down hill so I am starting from basics again - small walks, small shops then I will socialise more. It really frustrates me because like you I was a social, confident person but I have had some personal problems which I think has triggered this.
I take propanolol also - I was on 20mg but it has also been put up to 80mg slow release, I have been okay with it so far but just started. the doctor put me on a anti depressant but I had severe side effects from that so I have decided against going back on them.
I am off my work just now so aiming to get my life back and get back to work.
The symptoms you described sound like it could be anxiety? I feel really unwell at times and i worry thinking it is medication etc - but I not trying to tell myself it is just anxiety as if you think about it to much it will just make things worse.
hope that helps, sorry for long entry.

17-11-10, 19:29
that does help thank you, think it always helps just to hear someone is experiencing the same.

I've never actually fainted while feeling like this but i think you're right, reading what this medication does makes you feel worse. Mostly it passes quickly and i tell myself i'm just being stupid......but today it kept coming and going and i just had to race home to the safety of my own home.

Makes ya feel like you're going crazy :(


17-11-10, 19:42
Hi Smurf :welcome:

I took 3 x 10mg prop for a long time but when my psych tried doubling it I felt terrible, mainly very dizzy, so increasing dose it not always the answer.

Hope you find NMP helpful x

17-11-10, 20:17
Hi Mandy,

I totally understand where you're coming from! I have all the same side effects, I cant bear being in traffic if im on a bus or in the car and I go all light headed and cant swallow, sweaty palms, feel like i cant breathe, heart racing etc etc. i've got myself into a bit of a situation because i rely on my self help techniques such as carrying rescue remedy with me and all types of anti-anxiety medicine.

Iv been prescribed citalopram and am on day 5 of it atm, but i just wanted to say you are not alone, i know how you feel and it is horrid. I just want to be able to go out and live a normal life but I feel so ill :(

We'll all get through this together :)


17-11-10, 20:18
and i also have a massive fear of fainting or collapsing in public! :(

18-11-10, 20:34
Thanks Laura

How are you feeling today? I'm on day 6 of my increased propranolol dosage and I still feel awful. All day I have been fine coz i've been at home but sometimes i feel hot n weak n like I can't breathe which i can only assume is the tablets. Gunna try just 40mg tomorrow see if it makes a difference.

I've been referred to mental health professionals for behavioural therapy to try and help me but they are so busy at the minute i have to wait till the middle of december for an appointment :weep:

Take care, keep smiling xx